Newbie needs help reading file from pc to Arduino


I have read the tutorials and forums but cannot figure out how to transfer a file from pc to arduino. The file is stored on the pc but how does arduino find it? I see how to read it once it gets to the serial port but how do I get it there?

I am using 1.0.1 and a Win 7 pc.

The Arduino can't find it. You have to provide an application on the PC that can open the file and pass the data to the Arduino. Gobetwino (Gadgets og teknologi | Dansk Tech Blog - Mikmo) can be that application, or you can write something yourself.

Great that is a big help.

Now, I understand how to transfer a file but am unclear on the file destination spec. If I want to copy the file into
Arduino EEProm how do I specify that?

I want to be able to copy files from the PC into an external EEPRom but am taking it one step at a time. But maybe directly is simpler.

It's not a 'file' that the Arduino will see, it's a stream of serial data. You will need to read the serial data, one byte at a time, and write it to sequential locations on the EEPROM.

I believe that AVRDUDE (the program used to upload programs to the Arduino) has the capability of directly writing data to the on-board EEPROM, but someone else will need to help you there, as I don't know how to do it.

If I understand this correctly then the destination I specify in Gobetwino is the serial port, same as described in Arduoino. Then I do a in the Arduino sketch to import the file a line at a time.


That sounds about right. I can't use gobetwino, as it's Windows only.