Sorry, was attempting to keep it brief! But time for more details. 
All I'm trying to do is control a Blinkm Maxm from Max/msp 6 via an arduino uno, using the test patch they've provided. The greater problems is it doesn't control the blinkm. The times I have noticed that it did work (and there have been few) was when it came up with the 'Network Preferences' Message. But it just continues to flash its programmed default sequence when connected, it doesn't allow max to communicate.
When trying to communicate with it from Max, the RX light on the board does seem to flash in response. Not sure if that's a sign of anything, but feel its worth mentioning.
There is another problem. I've tried contacting Blinkm about this one but haven't heard a response. When I try to load the blinkm communicator sketch, I get this error message:
In file included from BlinkMCommunicator.cpp:36:
/Applications/ In function 'void BlinkM_scanI2CBus(byte, byte, void ()(byte, byte))':
/Applications/ error: too many arguments to function 'uint8_t twi_writeTo(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t)'
BlinkM_funcs.h:67: error: at this point in file
/Applications/ In function 'int8_t BlinkM_findFirstI2CDevice()':
/Applications/ error: too many arguments to function 'uint8_t twi_writeTo(uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t, uint8_t)'
BlinkM_funcs.h:79: error: at this point in file
And I have no idea what any of that means!
I've been using there start up guide: BlinkM Quick Start Guide | ThingM
And for that matter, the start guide says to load a .pde patch, and it doesn't exist in there suggested downloads folder... Instead, its a .ino file. Again, not sure if that's important.
They do also recommend using an Arduino Diecimila board, but I'm not really sure of the differences between that and an Uno. But if anyone thinks that may make a difference then I'll be ordering asap!
Thanks for the help, its really appreciated!