I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind explaining to me how to interface an I-Snail-VC-10 with a Sparkfun Ethernet Pro. I believe my coding is correct but I'm having trouble getting an AC reading from any wire passed through the I-Snail. It simply reads the voltage passing over the pins connected to the board. I am sure this is a simple problem but any help would be appreciated as I have been searching google for hours for some sort of helpful information.
Thank you very much for your response. Still unable to get a reading but definitely must closer. Could you tell me if there is something wrong with my code?
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin(9600); // sets serial port running at 9600 baud:
void loop() {
float volts = analogRead(0) * 5.0/1024.0;
float ampsRMS = volts / 100.0; // Measured current in amps.
Serial.println(ampsRMS); // print as an ASCII-encoded decimal
// delay 1000 milliseconds before the next reading:
How much current is flowing through the wire and what values are you seeing on Serial Monitor?
The product page says "AC Amps (RMS) = SensorValue/100" but that's must be for the Phidget board. The output range is 0 to 5V and the reading rancg is 0-10 A so I guess instead of /100.0 it should be *2.0.
Hello johnwasser,
Thank you again for being so helpful. I actually figured it out with the help of my more programming savvy coworker. I'll go ahead and post the solution in case anyone else needs some help with the I-Snail.
int analogPin = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // sets serial port running at 9600 baud:
void loop() {
// 0-5v, maps to 0-1023, so the Arduino has a .0049 volt resolution:
// the voltage sensor reads 63.69 mv per volt:
float ampsRMS = ((analogRead(analogPin) * .0049) / .06369);
float volts = ampsRMS * 360 ; // device is running 360W in this case:
Serial.println(volts); // print as an ASCII-encoded decimal
// delay 2000 milliseconds before the next reading:
Correct me if I'm wrong but the sensor is rated for 0-10Amps AC and outputs 0-5 vdc for your microcontroller. So, 1 vdc output = 2 AC Amps through the current transformer, 1 AC Amp = 500 mV dc output, .5 AC Amps = 250 mV dc output and so on and so forth right?
Have you put your meter in line or an amp clamp on to verify the actual AC current to verify the calibration of the sensor output?
I am thinking of trying out this sensor for a project at work to interface with an Arduino Uno. Other current sensors I have tried don't seem to have the resolution I am looking for for loads below 1 Amp but also capable of handling AC voltages of 280 VAC. I am tapping into 1 phase of a 3 phase 480 VAC motor with loads below 1 Amp.
At first glance this sensor seems to flip the bill as far as being able handle the voltages and having good resolution below 1 Amp.
Oh well, I'd appreciate any success stories with this sensor interfacing with Arduino.