I toyed around with an Arduino and basic LED lights and so forth, then sold it to a friend because I didn't have time.
Now I'm back with nothing and wanted to start a new project. I'll want to have, right now, one way wireless communication between a laptop and an arduino, simply streaming sports scores to an LED screen. I have a wireless network around my house so this would be preferred. If I had, say 10 LED screens with the same information, could I just use 1 arduino and split the wires to each screen?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for such an easy question. The software is the easy part for me, understanding the hardware is where I struggle.
If I had, say 10 LED screens with the same information, could I just use 1 arduino and split the wires to each screen?
Why would you put 10 screens with the same information on them in close proximity to the Arduino?
Which LED(?) screens are you thinking about using? How much current does each wire draw? Will that exceed the current capability of a pin? Is the pin that the wire is attached to an input pin (getting data from the LED(?) screen, or an output pin (sending data to the LED screen)?
10 was just an example. Let's say that I want to put 2 LED screens at one table, for 2 people playing chess. The information they see is the same, but I only needed one input and that information is split. If there's 2 games at a table, then I'd want 4.
The LED screen count isn't important, maybe something with basic text, cheap. I wouldn't need input from the user, just displaying information from a remote computer which I could wirelessly communicate from a laptop or server.
I don't need anything fancy, just wanted to work on something as a proof of concept and try it out. I don't know anything about currents and so forth, I think that's what I'm struggling with, if I just started with 2 LED Screens that got text wirelessly from a laptop.
The simplest way would be to use Serial LCD screens, needing only +V, Gnd, and one digital pin. Use NewSoftSerial instances to talk to each digital pin with a serial LCD attached, sending each one the same (or different) information.