Newbie Question

I'm new to building electronics. But is it possible to use just a wire without soldering a pin to the end and using it with a breadboard for testing? Just using a straight wire with a breadboard.

Hi Sianide

Yes, that will work, so long as you use the right thickness of solid core wire. 22 AWG is typical, I think.





Breadboard wires is what you want.

All jumper wires used on your breadboard should have a certificate of conformance. If you did not receive this certificate with the wire when you purchased it, you should place a small rubber cap over it's end before inserting it in the breadboard. It's just a simple precaution that is often overlooked, especially by those that have never fritzed before.

I'm new to building electronics.

All jumper wires used on your breadboard should have a certificate of conformance.

I wonder if making a joke like that to someone new to electronics is bullying?

0.6mm diameter solid core tinned copper wire works for me, thats between AWG22 and AWG23.

The kits of hookup wire from eBay save the effort of making your own wires (cutting/stripping),
but most of them don't quite fit a 0.1" pitch so you can't have a row of more than about 4 without
overcrowding. The good ones with thinner end-plugs are the most expensive, but just using
solid core wire is fine (and the cheapest option).

Could be, but it really cracked me up! :grinning:

I was going to remark that if you buy those Chinese breadboard jumpers (well, they are all Chinese, aren't they?) you need to test them before using them as they are sometimes dodgy and can cause intense pain.

A neat way to do this is to plug them all in series into your breadboard, hopping from one end to the other so that each one plugs into the same column as the last one terminated (but only ever using each column once), then wire a LED and resistor in series with the chain to a battery (or source module) and wiggle them to make sure they are working.

I use breadboards like cats find places to sleep...

If it fits, it sits.....