Newbie, why does'nt it work. Please help

Arduino IDE 0022

Im totaly new to Arduino, started tonight with blinking leds and that did work well. But i wanted to try something by my self and made this code from the Arduino website, but i get error messages. Here's the sketck:
int ledpin_red = 2;
int ledpin_yellow = 3;

void setup() {
pinmode(ledpin_red, OUTPUT);
pinmdoe(ledpin_yellow, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalwrite(ledpin_red, HIGH);
digitalwrite(ledpin_yellow, HIGH);
delay (1000);
digitalwrite(ledpin_red, LOW);
digitalwrite(ledpin_yellow, LOW);

Here is the errors i get when compiling:
JornProj_1_pde.cpp: In function 'void setup()':
JornProj_1_pde:4: error: 'pinmode' was not declared in this scope
JornProj_1_pde:5: error: 'pinmdoe' was not declared in this scope
JornProj_1_pde.cpp: In function 'void loop()':
JornProj_1_pde:8: error: 'digitalwrite' was not declared in this scope


You're not using the proper capitalization. Arduino is 'C'/'C++' and as such is verrrrry case sensitive.

'pinmode' should be 'pinMode', so incorrect capitalization
'pinmdoe' should be 'pinMode', so incorrect spelling and capitalization

And digitalwrite should be digitalWrite.


Case sensitivity is'nt always a good thing, but thanks to the both of you. I did'nt even get a sip of my redwine before you answered. Thansk a lot.


I was thinking it could extrapolated to remainder on ones own. It seemed obvious once pointed out.

Case sensitivity is'nt always a good thing

Especially if mixed with too much wine. :wink:


Haha, i'm through blinking, buzzing and pushbuttons and have'nt had the time for wine, but now i've acomplished so much that i call it the night and drink some wine.

Have a great weekend.
