
Hello to everyone im new here!
I try to start my project,

I want to create 8 input signals to main board
And to program it to generate a txt file
From every input that it takes signal with different values which it would be standar for each one input , and to repeat the procedure.

And to send it to serial port or to a pc folder
If you have any suggestion about which board or parts i need for that it would be great also

This is the main idea that i want to create
Any help it would be great
Thabk you in advance

Where do the input signals come from?

From your very brief description it sounds as if any Arduino would easily do the job.

You will need a program on your PC to receive the data from the Arduino and save it to the file.

This Simple Python - Arduino demo should give you some ideas.

The Python code should work on Windows if you edit it to use the Windows style of COM ports.


Its come from a relay of coin acceptor which close the circuit with ground and signal cable around 6-8v

Do i need a program pc to fo that? Or the arduino can send through serial port the the device that i want to deliver the file?

Do you have any suggest to start build the device ? Which board to choose?

Its come from a relay of coin acceptor which close the circuit with ground and signal cable around 6-8v

You need to make sure that voltages connected to Arduino pins NEVER exceed 5v. If your machine uses higher voltages then you need something (perhaps a pair of resistors as a voltage divider) to reduce the voltage so the max is below 5v.

Post a link to the datasheet for your coin acceptor.

Do i need a program pc to fo that? Or the arduino can send through serial port the the device that i want to deliver the file?

The Arduino cannot access the PC file system. You must have a PC program to receive the data.

Do you have any suggest to start build the device ? Which board to choose?

I already answered the board question. An Uno is the best board for a beginner.


i have bought the starter kit of arduino
and some extras: as serial 232 port with 4 pins

the coin acceptor has a relay with signal from the timer board which it comes with 6-7v and closes with the ground to give the signal to the timer board to start counting

i will step down the signal from 6-7 to 5v with the adaptor which i bought as extra with the kit

i bought also a usb cable to serial port to connect it at the board of arduino
which program do you suggest to download for pc to get the txt file of serial port ?

i need help to write the code and also to build the board

about the project i want to connect that signal x8 devices and to generate a txt file
seperately from the other with different value of coin lets say or price 0.50c 1euro 2 euro etc
and in the top of the text file to define from which point it came from

my first thought was

to set from 1-8 pins with 5v as high(input )
and when that value goes instant to 0(from the relay of the coin acceptor )
command the uno to send at serial port
th following data :1) which pin(input) 2) how many times the value went to 0
txt file

and as you said i need a program to get the data automatic and generate automatic a txt file

cause i want to get that file for cash register in order to print the receipt

and some extras: as serial 232 port with 4 pins

What have you in mind for that?

As with any project break it down into small development steps. For example figure out how to reduce the voltage a safe level for the the Arduino for one of the outputs from the coin acceptor and write a short Arduino program to detect the signal and print a message on the Arduino serial monitor. Then do the same thing for more of the outputs until you can detect them all.


If it's just a text file you're looking for...
Use the Arduino to format the strings being sent to the PC in the required text format for your project.

Using a program like PuTTY with logging turned on, that Arduino 'serial' stream on the USB COM port can go straight to a text file.

You could send a CSV formatted stream - which is not only human and software-readable, but can be imported directly in to Excel and some other pre-existing applications as CSV. Excel can also accept the data directly from a serial (COM) port when you scrape together a bit more skill.

Good luck.
If you need more help, post your efforts and progress / questions - and we might be able to help you.
REMEMBER to read the guides on HOW TO POST in the forum !

YOU have to decide what you want to do with the data, and how YOU want to format it.
The rest is relatively easy.

im sorry if i violate some rule about posting it wasnt on purpose. :slight_smile:
as i said im very new here and i try to find an edge to go hahaha

cause in my mind i have the project as it is :stuck_out_tongue:
but that it doesnt help a lot as i realiaze with the wiring/C&C++ :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley:

today i start over again to write it down with pencil and paper as sketch
and to find here some ideas or some already written code

today progress :solved the problem from the computer how to read the data and save it txt file.
now its the turn of arduino.

No problems with your posting, you just need to ‘get your ducks in a row’ !
Once you’re more comfortable, you’ll discover the things you asked aren’t too hard, and you may think of different/ easier ideas to achieve the same result.

Good luck, you’ve taken the first step!
It’s great that you’ve figured out the PC end, remember, when you’ve finished uploading the sketch, the USB-Serial port is available to send and receive anything you want.

hello again to all !
after those days still tryin to figure out with this uno board ,
i have change the plans

and the new state of the project is:

i have 2 wire from each device 1)5v 2) ground(from relay: when trigered from coin goes the signal instant 0v)
i want to catch that change of the input and to print it through serial and with the name of the input in my case of 8 inputs

i tried to understand about to attach interpt and the if orders but its chaotic

Forget interruptys for now.
Concentrate on the basics - you probably won't use interrupts once you know what you're doing.

i tried to understand about to attach interpt and the if orders but its chaotic

We can't make any sense of that unless you post your program and your wiring diagram. A simple pencil drawing is best - post a photo of it. See this Simple Image Posting Guide

You were asked earlier to post a link to the datasheet for the coin accepter but you have not yet done so. Please do it in your next Reply.

Help us to help you.


you probably won't use interrupts once you know what you're doing.

Very well put! Not just "probably" however. :grinning: