What do you mean "it didn't want to copy"? What it wants doesn't enter into it! Make it copy.
Anyway, the library is so small I reproduce it below.
TonePlayer.h :
Play tones with hardware timers
Author: Nick Gammon
Date: 1 April 2013
#include <Arduino.h>
class TonePlayer
// addresses of output ports - NULL if not applicable
volatile byte * const timerRegA_;
volatile byte * const timerRegB_;
volatile byte * const timerOCRH_;
volatile byte * const timerOCRL_;
volatile byte * const timerTCNTH_;
volatile byte * const timerTCNTL_;
// constructor
TonePlayer (
// ports
volatile byte & timerRegA,
volatile byte & timerRegB,
volatile byte & timerOCRH,
volatile byte & timerOCRL,
volatile byte & timerTCNTH,
volatile byte & timerTCNTL)
timerRegA_ (&timerRegA),
timerRegB_ (&timerRegB),
timerOCRH_ (&timerOCRH),
timerOCRL_ (&timerOCRL),
timerTCNTH_ (&timerTCNTH),
timerTCNTL_ (&timerTCNTH)
{ }
void tone (const unsigned int Hz);
void noTone ();
}; // end of TonePlayer
TonePlayer.cpp :
Play tones with hardware timers
Author: Nick Gammon
Date: 1 April 2013
Example of use:
#include <TonePlayer.h>
TonePlayer tone1 (TCCR1A, TCCR1B, OCR1AH, OCR1AL, TCNT1H, TCNT1L); // pin D9 (Uno), D11 (Mega)
or, on the Mega 2560:
TonePlayer tone3 (TCCR3A, TCCR3B, OCR3AH, OCR3AL, TCNT3H, TCNT3L); // pin D5
TonePlayer tone4 (TCCR4A, TCCR4B, OCR4AH, OCR4AL, TCNT4H, TCNT4L); // pin D6
TonePlayer tone5 (TCCR5A, TCCR5B, OCR5AH, OCR5AL, TCNT5H, TCNT5L); // pin D46
pinMode (9, OUTPUT); // D9 on Uno, D11 on Mega 2560
tone1.tone (440); // play 440 Hz
delay (500); // wait half a second
tone1.noTone (); // stop playing
or, on the Mega 2560:
pinMode (46, OUTPUT);
tone5.tone (440);
#include <TonePlayer.h>
void TonePlayer::tone (const unsigned int Hz)
// it takes two toggles for one "cycle"
unsigned long ocr = F_CPU / Hz / 2;
byte prescaler = _BV (CS10); // start with prescaler of 1 (bits are the same for all timers)
// too large? prescale it
if (ocr > 0xFFFF)
prescaler |= _BV (CS11); // now prescaler of 64
ocr /= 64;
// stop timer
*timerRegA_ = 0;
*timerRegB_ = 0;
// reset counter
*timerTCNTH_ = 0;
*timerTCNTL_ = 0;
// what to count up to
*timerOCRH_ = highByte (ocr);
*timerOCRL_ = lowByte (ocr);
*timerRegA_ = _BV (COM1A0); // toggle output pin
*timerRegB_ = _BV (WGM12) | prescaler; // CTC
} // end of TonePlayer::tone
void TonePlayer::noTone ()
// stop timer
*timerRegA_ = 0;
*timerRegB_ = 0;
} // end of TonePlayer::noTone
Make a folder inside "libraries" called TonePlayer. Put both files inside it. Restart the IDE.
License removed for brevity. See original download for the license details (basically you can use it however you want).