NEXTION 7 TFT Display library?


I have bought this NEXTION 7 TFT:

it is advertised as Arduino Mega compatible.
my question is can i drive it using arduino uno,
and what is the right library to do that.

Thank you

Hello Guesma,

Support for Nextion on these fora is pretty much as follows:
You can follow the methods I set out in using Nextion displays with Arduino. My methods do not use the Nextion libraries, so while I am happy to offer help on using my methods I cannot offer anything very helpful for any Nextion library.
The original Nextion libraries are full of bugs. There is a link from my tutorial to some improved Nextion libraries created by Ray Livingston, I suggest those might be worth trying if you prefer to use a library.
There's also Seithan who has also developed his own ways of dealing with Nextion displays, you can find his methods in his tutorial on how to write code with Nextion and Arduino.
Beyond that the odd person occasionally offers a bit of help but not much.

I have 2 Nextion 7" displays in working projects. One using a PIC and one using an Arduino using the same code that is in my tutorial.

The problem with trying to use a Uno is that a Uno does not have a spare serial port; the serial port it has is taken up by the serial monitor. You might be able to use software serial but I have never tried. I suggest you buy an Arduino with a spare serial port, such as a Mega or Nano Every.