Nextion Display - Drawing thumbnails

Hi, my name is Breno, I recently graduated in mechatronics engineering in Brazil. I've been messing around with arduino for almost 10 years now, but it's my first time posting here, so I apologize in advance for bad english or if I'm posting this in the wrong place.

I am working on a project where I need to read some monochromatic images (about 200x700px) from a SD card, and display them on a touch screen as icons to be selected. The images will be different every time the SD is inserted, so I can't just store them in Nextion firmware like we do with GUI images.

I know I can do that using a simple Arduino TFT screen and the library TFT.h. The problem is I need a 5 inch display, and I just can't find an Arduino TFT screen bigger than 2.4" here in Brazil. It's crazy, but I can only find 1.8" and 2.4" displays that are compatible with the TFT library. Also buying it from China or other country right now is not an option, unfortunally.

I have some experience with Nextion displays, and a basic Nextion 5" is something I can find here

Ok... now thats kinda embarassing. I accidentaly hit "Post" before I was done typing and now the forum just says
"You cannot delete your own topics in this board. Check to make sure this topic wasn't just moved to another board.".

So I'll just continue typing from where the post above stopped.

I have some experience with Nextion displays, and a basic Nextion 5" is something I can find here, but as far as I know, Nextion does not have a function like TFTscreen.image() in TFT library. The only thing I could think of was using 'fill', 'line' or 'draw' commands from Nextion, but that would require to draw every image almost pixel by pixel.

Is there any way I could send the images from Arduino to Nextion trough serial? Or maybe someone can recommend me a 5 inch touch screen that can do that and it's easier to find?

Hello Breno,


The basic and enhanced Nextion displays do not support reading images from the SD card. As far as I know the Intelligent ones do, but I have not got one so have never tried.

Not being in your country I don't know the situation, are imports banned at the moment?

OK, I typed most of that before you posted the second part of your post.

The only way to get an image included on a Nextion display is to have it in the configuration, unless you have an Intelligent Nextion display, in which case I am reasonably sure you can read them from an SD card.

You can't delete your original post, you can edit it though.

If you really need to delete your first post then report to moderator and ask them to delete it. I don't think you need to delete this, what you are asking is clear.

Hi Perry, thanks for the reply.

Imports are not exactly banned, but taxes and burocracy at the moment are nothing less than absurd. Chances are that something bought from aliexpress, for an example, will get stuck at fiscalization for a year and end up costing me something like 4 or 5 times the value of item+shipping. Even so, I may not have an alternative, since I could not find any of Nextion Intelligent models here either haha :(.

Could you recommend me a 5" touch screen compatible with Arduino TFT library? Would one of those Landzo touch screens for Raspbery pi work?(those I can find here). At this point I am willing to risk importing it even if I don't get it on time, so recommendations on what kind of touch screen I should look for would really help me.

Thanks again for the attention :slight_smile:

Hi Breno,
I can't recommend anything, sorry. The only touch screen I use is a Nextion.

I suggest you read through the questions in the Display section of the forum and get an idea of what others are using and what they are good for.