Nextion display issue.

So I recently purchased an NX8048T070_011 screen from ITEAD. And I'm having an issue sending a text to it, I'm using a library called ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion-master. setText wont work. I don't know if there is an issue with the communication between the screen and the Arduino. If anyone knows how to fix or an alternative library or any other fix I'm very happy to look into it. I've tried using people's examples but I can't get it running.

Hello Lars,

Support for Nextion on these fora is pretty much as follows:

You can follow the methods I set out in using Nextion displays with Arduino. My methods do not use the Nextion libraries, so I can offer help on using my methods but I cannot offer anything very helpful for any Nextion library.

The original Nextion libraries are full of bugs. There is a link from my tutorial to to some improved Nextion libraries created by Ray Livingston, I suggest those might be worth trying if you prefer to use a library.

There's also a guy on here called Seithan who has also developed his own ways of dealing with Nextion displays, you can find his methods in his tutorial on how to write code with Nextion and Arduino.

Beyond that the odd person occasionally offers a bit of help but not much.

Thanks for the response. I've figured out the problem, I did Serial.begin before Nextions Serial.begin. And that seems to have fixed the issue. But a question for you, isn't it very complicated to program without the library? Like isn't it a lot of steps to just perform a single action. I read the forum tutorial you posted, and I think it is overcomplicated for just a button press for example. You never thought of writing a library yourself?

But a question for you, isn't it very complicated to program without the library? Like isn't it a lot of steps to just perform a single action. I read the forum tutorial you posted, and I think it is overcomplicated for just a button press for example. You never thought of writing a library yourself?

Good question. The methods I set out suit my way of doing things and my knowledge of programming. If you use my methods you have to understand what is going on in order to make it work. Libraries are good in that they provide a simple interface to use, but bad in that you don't learn how stuff works behind that interface unless you really want to dig in. My methods are what they are, you can use them (many have) or you can use something else, or you can devise your own way to interface with a Nextion. The reason I provide links to what others have done is to give you a choice of what to use, to suit your abilities and your preferences. Nothing I create will satisfy everyone, nor will anything anyone else creates.

Good luck with your project.

Thanks, its gonna be a big one. I have just declared all the ids, page, component and it's over 370+ lines already...