Nextion display nexpage PushCallback limited to 9 pages?

Hello, I'm using displaies nextion with Arduino and runs very well,
but I don't understand why the pages ID of display sent via serial to Arduino, are recognized with the function PushCallback only up to 9, over for example page 24 is recognized as 4, page 27 as for page 7, so I understood that only units of ID page is read.
How Is possible to modify the ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion-master to see more than 10 pages from display?

It is difficult to see your code from here. Please post it :slight_smile: and then everyone will know what you are talking about.

I found a bug in my code. The Nexpage recognition runs correctly up to 30 pages and probably more just as visible in the example in library documentation.
Thanks blha

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