Nextion HMI. Is it possible to change the picture using p0.setPic(x); in an inactive window?

Hello, I’m new to NEXTION HMI and I want to ask if there is any way to change the picture in an inactive window? I am doing a project with an Arduino mega controller and a NEXTION HMI that has several windows. I can’t find any way to change the picture in the inactive window. You can change the picture only in the active window. If I am in another window, the command p0.setPic(x) does not change the picture. Can you help me? Please.

Not sure but have you tried changing the p0 object scope to global?

Or if that doesn't work, you can also try (not really efficient) creating an invisible picture object on the other windows and then change your p0 object to that invisible objects value at the preinitialize of the window that has the p0. (Sorry for my english :p)
Hope that helps

Hello, Yes I changed to global, but the image is changed only in the active window.

2023-10-23, pr, 11:36 Redensy via Arduino Forum <> rašė:

I'll try. Thank you

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