Nicla Sense / Portenta H7 : Battery, where to find it

we have noticed that the tiny battery connector present on a Nicla Sense board, but also on Portenta H7, makes the battery search a challenging one.
Can anyone recommend a link to a vendor of a ready to use Li-Ion battery compatible with these boards. The only ones found until now are from HiMax/Murata. However they have a reversed wiring position compared to the one Arduino accepts.

  • Arduino nicla /h7 require (pin 1: +VBAT, pin2: NTC, pin3: GND)
  • commercial cells we were able to find have( pin 1: GND, pin2: NTC, pin3: +VBAT)

we don't want to solder an external battery on alternative pins, nor hack the tiny battery connector.

much appreciated

There are plenty of ready made battery holders for bot AA and AAA. Solder the cable to the holder and to the connector You want to use.
Google is a good friend.

too bulky...

There are battery cells made for soldering into custom design projects. Just find the end cinnector You want.

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