NINA-W102 connected to I2C on Nano 33 IoT

The Documentation of the Nano 33 IoT say, that the connection between the Microcontroller and the NINA Modul is done by SPI.
When I'm studying the schematics I see, that there is a I2C connection too. So it uses the same bus as the crypto chip, the IMU or external I2C peripherals.

Unfortunatelly I can't find the reason for this connection and notes about used I2C adresses or anything else.
Beside that, the Signals A6 and A7 are used too.

Can someone explain to me, why the NIMA Module is connected to the I2C Bus and what adresses are reserved for it?
And finally, what are the signals A6 and A7 used for?

This is my first message in this forum and I hope to find some support from the community.
Thanks in advance.


Same question was asked here (but no answer):
Let's hope your question does get an answer.

The Nina module is actually a ESP32. It can use the I2C pins as Master and Slave, that depends on the firmware.

It might have something to do with the Crypto chip. Suppose that the ESP32 takes control over the board, then it needs access to the Crypto chip. But I'm just guessing now.

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