NMEA Generator, Gyro, Wind, HDT WMV 2560 Mega

I made this for testing equipment at work, its actually a few different examples of code I found with google joined together with a little bit of my own code in the middle.
This site is excellent and I wanted to put something back in.
The code is messy, Im a beginner. This is written for an Arduino Mega 2560, Im using 2 buttons to increase and decrease the gyro output, and 2 pots to adjust the wind speed and direction output.
I think this code could be modified fairly easily to output any NMEA sentence.

int sensorPinWindSpeed = A0;                              // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int sensorPinWindDirection = A15;   
const int buttonPin = 10;                  // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin2 = 9;                  // the number of the pushbutton pin
int buttonState = 0;                     // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int buttonState2 = 0;                     // variable for reading the pushbutton status

int heading = 12;                        // When first powered this will be the heading

void setup() 
  Serial1.begin(9600);                   // initialize serial port and speed, wind speed and direction    
  Serial.begin(4800);                   // initialize serial port and speed, Gyro
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);             // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input, increase heading
  pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT);             // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input, decrease heading


void loop() 
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);            // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);         // read the state of the pushbutton value:

   if (buttonState == HIGH)                  // adds to the heading at every push
          heading ++;
         if (buttonState2 == HIGH)            // subtracts from the heading at every push
               heading --;
   if(heading==359)                        // Max degrees is 359, when reached return to 0
           heading = 001;
         if (heading==0)                     // Min degrees is 0, when reached return to 358,
            {                           // Had to set the degrees off slightly 
               heading = 358;               // or we get stuck in a loop

     String begin = "";                     // Start of an NMEA gyro telegram                     

  if (heading < 9);
      begin = "$HEHDT,00";                     // This adds the correct amount of zero`s
  }                                       // to the sentence, should always be a 
  if (heading == 10)                        // three digit number, eg 045, 003.
     begin = "$HEHDT,0";
  if (heading < 98, heading > 10)
     begin = "$HEHDT,0";
  if (heading > 99)
      begin = "$HEHDT,";

   String end = ".4,T*";                     // End of the telegram,
   String stringOne = begin + heading + end;      // Take the start, join to the heading int, and join the end

      char string[50]; 
   stringOne.toCharArray(string, 50);            // break the telegram into characters

   int XOR;
      int i;
      int c;
   for (XOR = 0, i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)   // get the string/telegram length
         c = (unsigned char)string;
         if (c == '*') break;               // Ignore the $ and * symbol in the telegram
         if (c != '

) XOR ^= c;              // XOR everything else
  int out = Serial.print(stringOne);            // Add the telegram to the serial line without checksum
  Serial.println(XOR, HEX);                  // convert the checksum to hex, add to the telegram and transmit


int sensorValueWindSpeed = analogRead(sensorPinWindSpeed);                  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  float voltageWindSpeed = sensorValueWindSpeed * (5.0 / 200);     
  int windSpeed = voltageWindSpeed;

int sensorValueWindDirection = analogRead(sensorPinWindDirection);            // read the input on analog pin 0:
  float voltageWindDirection = sensorValueWindDirection * (5.0 / 14.2);
  int windDirection = voltageWindDirection;
  String beginWind = "";                                // Start of an Wind telegram

if (windDirection < 9);
      beginWind = "$WCMWV,00";                              // This adds the correct amount of zero`s
  }                                                  // to the sentence, should always be a
  if (windDirection == 10)                                // three digit number, eg 045, 003.
    beginWind = "$WCMWV,0";
  if (windDirection < 98, windDirection > 10)
    beginWind = "$WCMWV,0";
  if (windDirection > 99)
      beginWind = "$WCMWV,";
  String midWind = ".0,R,";                              // Middle of the Wind telegram
  String endWind = ".0,M,A*";                              // End of the telegram,
  String stringOneWind = beginWind + windDirection + midWind + windSpeed + endWind;  // Take the start, join
                                                                  // to the heading int, and
                                                                  //join the end

char stringWind[50];
  stringOneWind.toCharArray(string, 50);                    // break the telegram into characters

int XORWind;
      int iWind;
      int cWind;
  for (XORWind = 0, iWind = 0; iWind < strlen(stringWind); iWind++)  // get the string/telegram length
        cWind = (unsigned char)stringWind[iWind];
        if (cWind == '*') break;                        // Ignore the $ and * symbol in the telegram
        if (cWind != '

) XORWind ^= cWind;                  // XOR everything else
   int outWind = Serial1.print(stringOneWind);                  // Add the telegram to the serial line without checksum
   Serial1.println(XORWind, HEX);                           // convert the checksum to hex, add to the telegram and transmit
      delay(1000);                                    // Wait 1 second and repeat


Should have added this, and example of the output




Should have added this

What you should have added (and still can) is code tags. Modify your post. Highlight all the code. Press the icon with the #, on the row just above the smileys.

I'm sure your code doesn't look like what is posted above.

Aha, cheers very much

still learning


I had problems compiling the code above. I had to make a slight change in line 74. I would get the following error:

NMEA_Gyro-Wind.ino:74:29: error: cast from 'char*' to 'unsigned char' loses precision [-fpermissive]
Error compiling

I changed it to read c = (unsigned char) string[i]; 

I also increased the update rates and baud rates to fit my needs but the original rates are still good ones if that's what you need.

int sensorPinWindSpeed = A0;                              // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int sensorPinWindDirection = A15;   
const int buttonPin = 10;                  // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin2 = 9;                  // the number of the pushbutton pin
int buttonState = 0;                     // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int buttonState2 = 0;                     // variable for reading the pushbutton status

int heading = 12;                        // When first powered this will be the heading

void setup() 
  Serial1.begin(9600);                   // initialize serial port and speed, wind speed and direction    
  Serial.begin(9600);                   // initialize serial port and speed, Gyro
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);             // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input, increase heading
  pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT);             // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input, decrease heading


void loop() 
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);            // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);         // read the state of the pushbutton value:

   if (buttonState == HIGH)                  // adds to the heading at every push
          heading ++;
         if (buttonState2 == HIGH)            // subtracts from the heading at every push
               heading --;
   if(heading==359)                        // Max degrees is 359, when reached return to 0
           heading = 001;
         if (heading==0)                     // Min degrees is 0, when reached return to 358,
            {                           // Had to set the degrees off slightly 
               heading = 358;               // or we get stuck in a loop

     String begin = "";                     // Start of an NMEA gyro telegram                     

  if (heading < 9);
      begin = "$HEHDT,00";                     // This adds the correct amount of zero`s
  }                                       // to the sentence, should always be a 
  if (heading == 10)                        // three digit number, eg 045, 003.
     begin = "$HEHDT,0";
  if (heading < 98, heading > 10)
     begin = "$HEHDT,0";
  if (heading > 99)
      begin = "$HEHDT,";

   String end = ".4,T*";                     // End of the telegram,
   String stringOne = begin + heading + end;      // Take the start, join to the heading int, and join the end

   char string[50];   
   stringOne.toCharArray(string, 50);            // break the telegram into characters

   int XOR;
      int i;
      int c;
   for (XOR = 0, i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)   // get the string/telegram length
         c = (unsigned char) string[i];        
         if (c == '*') break;               // Ignore the $ and * symbol in the telegram
         if (c != '

) XOR ^= c;              // XOR everything else
  int out = Serial.print(stringOne);            // Add the telegram to the serial line without checksum
  Serial.println(XOR, HEX);                  // convert the checksum to hex, add to the telegram and transmit


int sensorValueWindSpeed = analogRead(sensorPinWindSpeed);                  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  float voltageWindSpeed = sensorValueWindSpeed * (5.0 / 200);     
  int windSpeed = voltageWindSpeed;

int sensorValueWindDirection = analogRead(sensorPinWindDirection);            // read the input on analog pin 0:
  float voltageWindDirection = sensorValueWindDirection * (5.0 / 14.2);
  int windDirection = voltageWindDirection;
  String beginWind = "";                                // Start of an Wind telegram

if (windDirection < 9);
      beginWind = "$WCMWV,00";                              // This adds the correct amount of zero`s
  }                                                  // to the sentence, should always be a
  if (windDirection == 10)                                // three digit number, eg 045, 003.
    beginWind = "$WCMWV,0";
  if (windDirection < 98, windDirection > 10)
    beginWind = "$WCMWV,0";
  if (windDirection > 99)
      beginWind = "$WCMWV,";
  String midWind = ".0,R,";                              // Middle of the Wind telegram
  String endWind = ".0,M,A*";                              // End of the telegram,
  String stringOneWind = beginWind + windDirection + midWind + windSpeed + endWind;  // Take the start, join
                                                                  // to the heading int, and
                                                                  //join the end

char stringWind[50];
  stringOneWind.toCharArray(string, 50);                    // break the telegram into characters

int XORWind;
      int iWind;
      int cWind;
  for (XORWind = 0, iWind = 0; iWind < strlen(stringWind); iWind++)  // get the string/telegram length
        cWind = (unsigned char)stringWind[iWind];
        if (cWind == '*') break;                        // Ignore the $ and * symbol in the telegram
        if (cWind != '

) XORWind ^= cWind;                  // XOR everything else
   int outWind = Serial1.print(stringOneWind);                  // Add the telegram to the serial line without checksum
   Serial1.println(XORWind, HEX);                           // convert the checksum to hex, add to the telegram and transmit
      //delay(100);                                    // Wait 1 second and repeat


Very cool.