No class definition in Usb.h, how to pass a uart* pointer to Usb.cpp?


I'm trying to debug some library code on the zero with Serial1. Usually when I do this I declare
HardwareSerial * mySerial; as a private variable in the class definition (usually found in the .h file).

Then I pass a pointer in my sketch, such as myUSBHostObject.init(&Serial1) or some such, then modify the .cpp code like USBHost::init(HardwareSerial * serial){ mySerial = serial}. Then I can print to serial monitor with mySerial->println();

I can't seem to do this with the USBHost class because I can't find a class definition in the .h file.
ref: USB_Host_Library_SAMD/Usb.h at master · gdsports/USB_Host_Library_SAMD · GitHub
ref: USB_Host_Library_SAMD/Usb.cpp at master · gdsports/USB_Host_Library_SAMD · GitHub

This is the entire Usb.h file

#define _usb_h_

#include <stdint.h>

// Uncomment to enable debug
//#define DEBUG_USB_HOST 1

// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IMPORTANT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
// Set this to 1 to support single LUN devices, and save RAM. -- I.E. thumb drives.
// Each LUN needs ~13 bytes to be able to track the state of each unit.
#define MASS_MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN  1 ///// 8  WHG

//#include "Arduino.h"
#include "macros.h"
// None of these should ever be included by a driver, or a user's sketch.

#include "variant.h"
#include "Print.h"
#include "printhex.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "hexdump.h"
#include "sink_parser.h"

#include "address.h"

#include "usb_ch9.h"
//#include "usbhost.h"
#include "UsbCore.h"
#include "parsetools.h"

#include "confdescparser.h"

#endif /* USB_H_INCLUDED */

Here is the the constructor from the .cpp

#include <stdio.h>
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Usb.h"


static uint32_t usb_error = 0;
static uint32_t usb_task_state = USB_DETACHED_SUBSTATE_INITIALIZE;

/* constructor */
USBHost::USBHost() : bmHubPre(0) {
    // Set up state machine
    usb_task_state = USB_DETACHED_SUBSTATE_INITIALIZE; //set up state machine

/* Initialize data structures */
uint32_t USBHost::Init() {
    //devConfigIndex	= 0;
    // Init host stack
    bmHubPre		= 0;
    return 0;

The class definition is in USBCore.h


Usually when I do this I declare
HardwareSerial * mySerial; as a private variable in the class definition (usually found in the .h file).

Then I pass a pointer in my sketch, such as myUSBHostObject.init(&Serial1) or some such, then modify the .cpp code like USBHost::init(HardwareSerial * serial){ mySerial = serial}. Then I can print to serial monitor with mySerial->println();

That's a perfect application for Polymorphism. Pass a pointer to a object of the Stream class. Or, if you're only printing to it (and not also reading from it), pass a pointer to an object of the Print class. Then, your code will work with ANY object that inherits from those classes.