I am trying to transfer data from my Arduino Nano 33 BLE using the LightBLue app. I can connect to the device but I do not see any data on it. I am using the gyroscope so I feel there should be some values connected to the Arduinos movement. Can someone look at my code and tell me if I am missing something?
#include <Arduino_LSM9DS1.h> //This is the library for the gyroscope
#include <ArduinoBLE.h> //The bluetooth library
float X,Y,Z;//Float variable to be used in the gyroscope
#define LED 13//defines LED as pin 13
///Establishes GUUID along wiith the three characteristics
const char * UUID_RepTrackservice = "84582cd0-3df0-4e73-9496-29010d7445dd" ;
const char * UUID_repCharacteristic = "84582cd1-3df0-4e73-9496-29010d7445dd" ;
const char * UUID_targetCharacteristic = "84582cd2-3df0-4e73-9496-29010d7445dd" ;
const char * UUID_resetCharacteristic = "84582cd3-3df0-4e73-9496-29010d7445dd" ;
//Establishes the service along with defining the characteristics as a float
BLEService RepTrackservice ( UUID_RepTrackservice );
BLEIntCharacteristic repCharacteristic( UUID_repCharacteristic, BLERead | BLENotify );
BLEIntCharacteristic targetCharacteristic ( UUID_targetCharacteristic, BLEWrite | BLENotify );
BLEIntCharacteristic resetCharacteristic( UUID_resetCharacteristic, BLERead | BLENotify );
int presetValue = 5;// max value for z axis to detect rep count
int currentValue = 0;//Current z axis value
int repAmount=0;//variable used to hold rep amount sent to app commented out for troubleshooting
int repTarget=0;//variable used to hold repetitions wanted sent from app commented out for troubleshooting
int reset=0;//Variable to reset the count sent from app commented out for troubleshooting
//Setting up the arduinos outputs
void setup ()
Serial.begin(115200);//begin the bluetooth
uint32_t t=millis();
while (!Serial) // delay 5sec connection
if ((millis()-t) > 5000) break;
bool err=false;
if (!IMU.begin())
Serial.println("IMU: failed");
Serial.println("IMU: ok");
// init BLE
if (!BLE.begin())
Serial.println("BLE: failed");
Serial.println("BLE: ok");
// error: flash led forever
if (err)
Serial.println("Init error. System halted");
BLE.setLocalName("RepTrack2.0");//sets the local name
BLE.setAdvertisedService (RepTrackservice);//setting the service to be advertised
//Adds services to their own charcteristics
RepTrackservice.addCharacteristic ( repCharacteristic ) ;
RepTrackservice.addCharacteristic ( targetCharacteristic ) ;
RepTrackservice.addCharacteristic ( resetCharacteristic ) ;
BLE.addService ( RepTrackservice);//service is added to he BLE
//Sets values so that they do not transmit random values
repCharacteristic.writeValue ( 0 );
targetCharacteristic.writeValue ( 0 );
resetCharacteristic.writeValue ( 0 );
BLE.advertise();//Publishes the service to start
pinMode (LED, OUTPUT);//sets LED as an output
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);//turns off LED in case it was on
void loop()
static long preMillis = 0;
int command=0;
// looks for BLE central devices
BLEDevice central = BLE.central();
// Checks for connection
if (central)
Serial.print("Connected to central: ");
Serial.println(central.address()); // prints address
// Loop while connected
while (central.connected())
if (targetCharacteristic.written())
command = targetCharacteristic.value(); // retrieve value from app
Serial.print(F("commmand value: "));
long curMillis = millis();
if (preMillis>curMillis) preMillis=0;
if (curMillis - preMillis >= 10) // check values every 10mS
preMillis = curMillis;
updateApp(); // Calls function to send values to app
// To disconnect
Serial.print(F("Disconnected from central: "));
//Updating the app function
void updateApp()
//Starting the scan to monitor the gyroscope
//Checking to see if the Gyro is online and then Reads all 3 axis
if (IMU.gyroscopeAvailable())
IMU.readGyroscope(X, Y, Z);
currentValue =Z;//sets current value to the value of Z from the gryo
//Comparison that is the current value of z is greater than or equal to the preset, then you increase the rep amount. This means a rep was done
if (currentValue >= presetValue)
repCharacteristic.writeValue(repAmount);//updates the live value
//If it was not greater then the repamount stays the same
//displays values for visual purpose
Serial.print("Current Value:");
// Serial.println(currentValue);
// Serial.println(repAmount);//Sends repamout to app
//Checks to see if the repAmount is greater than or equal to the rep target, if yes then the LED will light up
if (repAmount >= repTarget)
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
//If not then LED stays off
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
delay(1000);// Delay to keep the system from readding two reps within a second
//Reset for the rep amount, recieved from the app
if (reset==1)