NO Delay, no dead time

What options for change delay() ?
Options not have "dead time" ?

function newdelay(char x,int value) /char x is pointer clock/

My objetive is sample generic code

void code(){

/line A/
nemdelay(h) /h identific delay clock/
if(ac>90) and (ac<120) relay1=ON
else relay2=OFF

/line B/
delay(h,100) /end point time count/


is code from line A to line B - RUN while less 100 ms, and
function newdelay exced time, execution continue.

Have function in lib Arduino ??

There's a lot of stuff in the Tutorials and Playground that will help. Start with this...

is code from line A to line B - RUN while less 100 ms, and
function newdelay exced time, execution continue.

No when delay is used nothing else is running. If you want to keep running while doing a delay you have to make a record of the time and then only do a new thing when the time is over:-
if (millis() > next time) {
// do stuff at the end of the delay
// then set how long it is before you do it again like 100mS
nextTime = millis() + 100;