OK, removed some comments, short enough now
will follow with more details
Reads an MMs7361 accelerometer and communicates the
acceleration to the computer. Using a MMS7361 analog breakout instead
The circuit:
analog 0: input for the shield buttons
analog 1: power pin to wake accelerometer
analog 2: x-axis
analog 3: y-axis
analog 4: z-axis
digital 2: to transistor controlling 12v auto relay
digital 3: to transistor controlling 12v auto relay
digital 11: leg limit switch
digital 10: pwm output for lcd led
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
// select the pins used on the LCD panel (RS,E,D4,D5,D6,D7) (D10 is backlight control)
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // pinout for DFRobot lcd
// these constants describe the pins. They won't change:
const int upoutpin = 2; // up relay power
const int downoutpin = 3; // down relay power (D4-9: LCD)
const int numReadings = 10; //number of pin readings to average
const int dimLed = 10; // Led brightness control
const int legsw = 11; //
const int resetEeprom = 12;
const int slpin = 15; // pin to wake or power-save accelerometer
// set up averaging parameters
int readings[numReadings]; // the readings from the analog input
int index = 0; // the index of the current reading
int total = 0; // the running total
int average = 0; // the average
int inputPin = A2; // input for x axis
int lcd_key = 0; //setup switch for buttons
int adc_key_in = 0;
#define btnHITCH 0
#define btnUP 1
#define btnDOWN 2
#define btnLEVEL 3
#define btnTRAVEL 4
#define btnNONE 6
int x,y,z;
float vx;
int levelVal = 0; // store level position
int hitchVLow; // average value when hitched
int hitchVHigh; // average value when raised
int hitchDifference; // store this hitchVHigh - hitchVLow
int unHooked; //unhitched hieght
// read the buttons
int read_LCD_buttons()
adc_key_in = analogRead(0); // read the value from the sensor
// my buttons when read are centered at these valies: 0, 110, 300, 475, 600 using 3.3 aref with 1K resistor
// we add approx 50 to those values and check to see if we are close
if (adc_key_in > 1000) return btnNONE; // We make this the 1st option for speed reasons since it will be the most likely result
if (adc_key_in < 50) return btnHITCH;
if (adc_key_in < 180) return btnUP;
if (adc_key_in < 380) return btnDOWN;
if (adc_key_in < 545) return btnLEVEL;
if (adc_key_in < 800) return btnTRAVEL; // Check values when using AREF pin at 3.3v
return btnNONE; // when all others fail, return this...
void setup() {
// initialize the serial communications:
lcd.begin(16, 2); // start the library
// analogReference(EXTERNAL); // set reference to 3.3v - use 3.3v power out
pinMode(slpin, OUTPUT); // ready pin wake up accelerometer
pinMode(upoutpin, OUTPUT); // ready up relay power pin
pinMode(downoutpin, OUTPUT); // ready down relay power pin
pinMode (legsw, INPUT); // ready saftey sw
pinMode (dimLed, OUTPUT); // ready led brite control
pinMode (resetEeprom, INPUT); // ready pin 12
for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++)
readings[thisReading] = 0;
digitalWrite(resetEeprom, HIGH); // set pullup resistorit
digitalWrite(slpin, HIGH); // wake accelerometer
digitalWrite(legsw, HIGH); // set pullup resistor
analogWrite (dimLed, 150); // dim the led to save current
levelVal = EEPROM.read(1); //Get stored level value
hitchDifference = EEPROM.read(12); //Get stored hitch offset
void memSet()
lcd_key = read_LCD_buttons(); // read the buttons
switch (lcd_key) // depending on which button was pushed, we perform an action
case btnHITCH:
hitchVHigh = average; //Get the upper height to set hitchDifference
case btnLEVEL:
EEPROM.write((average / 4),1); // save level value to eeprom
case btnTRAVEL:
hitchVLow = average; //get lower hitched value
hitchDifference = hitchVHigh - hitchVLow; //calculate hitch offset
EEPROM.write(hitchDifference,12); //write offset to eeprom
void loop()
if (resetEeprom == LOW)
// subtract the last reading:
total = total - readings[index];
// read from the sensor:
readings[index] = analogRead(inputPin);
// add the reading to the total:
total= total + readings[index];
// advance to the next position in the array:
index = index + 1;
// if we're at the end of the array...
if (index >= numReadings)
// ...wrap around to the beginning:
index = 0;
// calculate the average:
average = total / numReadings;
// Convert ADC values to voltages
// The formula for voltage conversion is v = (ADCREAD*VREF/1023)-ZGV, where ZGV is "Zero-G voltage" (voltage at 0G)
// ZGV is found in the spec sheet and happens to be 1.62 or 1/2 VCC in our case. Warning: you need to make the variable signed!
// The formula for G conversion is g = v/SENSITIVITY. The sensitvity is also found in the spec sheet and happens to be 800 mV/g here
// Remember to make your units consistent! (g = v[V]*1000 / SEN [mV] )
vx = (average/5.68)-levelVal;
// gx = vx*10/8;
// vy = (y*3.3/1023)-1.62;
// gy = vy*10/8;
// vz = (z*3.3/1023)-1.62;
// gz = vz*10/8;
lcd.print("X = ");
lcd_key = read_LCD_buttons(); // read the buttons
switch (lcd_key) // depending on which button was pushed, we perform an action
case btnHITCH:
if (average < unHooked)
lcd.print(" HITCH ");
digitalWrite(upoutpin, HIGH);
case btnUP:
lcd.print(" MANUAL RAISE ");
digitalWrite(upoutpin, HIGH); //raise front of trailer manually
case btnDOWN:
if (digitalRead(legsw == HIGH))
lcd.print("MANUAL LOWER ");
digitalWrite(downoutpin, HIGH);
case btnLEVEL: // function here to save level value and/or level trailer
if (resetEeprom == LOW) // check for reset sw
EEPROM.write (average,1); //store the level value in eeprom
if (digitalRead(legsw == HIGH && average != (levelVal *4 )))
if(average > (levelVal *4))
digitalWrite (downoutpin, HIGH );
lcd.print(" LEVELING ");
digitalWrite(upoutpin, HIGH);
lcd.print(" LEVELING ");
case btnTRAVEL:
if (digitalRead(legsw == HIGH)) // limit sw to turn off
digitalWrite(downoutpin, HIGH);
lcd.print("RAISING LEGS ");
case btnNONE:
lcd.print(" NONE ");
digitalWrite(upoutpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(downoutpin, LOW);
// delay before next reading: