No Ouput from Console - Please advise.


I am running into a situation, where after running my sketch I get clear output from Console. But Immediately if I recompile and upload & run the same sketch, Then I do not get any output from Console. It just goes blank. Anything I need to free or close properly. Here is a relevant snippet of the code:

while (!Console);

Console.println(F("Installing Basic6 Technology..."));
Process p;
My application logic here

loop() is empty

Any help is greatly appreciated

High Regards

When you restart the sketch, the network connection is closed. Are you re-connecting to the Console port properly?

PuTTY, for example, doesn't complain when the port is closed out from under it, at least not right away. Not until you try to type something, will it finally come up with a lost connection message, but even that takes a few seconds. After that, nothing will happen until you use the "restart connection" command.

Unfortunately, we can't see what you're doing, we can only go by what you have written. And what you've said so far is incomplete. Please give more details, the more the better. Please describe your network setup, how you are actually connecting to the console, and exactly what steps you are taking to cause the problem.

Then, before submitting the post, re-read what you have written. Read it as if you have no idea what the words are describing: do you understand the issue from just what you've written? Don't assume we've all done what you're doing now, we probably haven't.

Even reboot is not helping.

I'm not sure what you mean. How is reboot different from cycling the power?

How do I get back the network connection back.

How are you making the connection in the first place? There are several ways to do it.


I have no clue what this means.

Hi ShapeShifter and all,

Thank you very much for the reply, unfortunately my two earlier replies did not get posted but only my additional reply got posted for some reason. Hummm, my connection was very slow.

I am deeply sorry and regret for the confusion.

Here are the details,

  1. I am accessing Arduino through Wifi Connection only (Choosing Port - IP address not COM Port in IDE)

  2. I am using Console.println to print any output because Console is the only option over Wifi

  3. Power cycle I meant switching power on and off. Reboot I meant typing Reboot from Unix Shell without power switching

  4. My sketch is downloading some components from web using CURL and writing some data on to a file on linux using Filesysystem object. It uses Process object to perform these actions.

  5. Using IDE choosing port using IP not COM Port, First time when I upload the sketch, everything works I get the output from the console No issues. If I modify the sketch and upload from same IDE and rerun the same then I get no output from the Console. ( IDE clearly says Sketch uploaded ) .

Hope this explains my issue – please let me know if you want me to post my sketch

Once again, I deeply regret confusion,

Warm Regards,

Thank you very much for the reply, unfortunately my two earlier replies did not get posted but only my additional reply got posted for some reason. Hummm, my connection was very slow.

Interesting. The only reply I saw was the one from which I quoted a few bits, but now that reply is gone? Curious.

I am deeply sorry and regret for the confusion.

Thank you, but that's not really necessary. (I can't speak for others, but I only get upset when someone keeps posting cryptic problems, then gets beligerant and simply repeats the same cryptic comments while screaming for attention when nobody understands them. That's not the casehere.)

As for your problem, your description is very helpful. I now see what you are trying to do. Unfortunately, I'm not getting as far as you: I just tried loading the ConsoleAsciiTable example over the network. It loaded: so far, so good. But when I try to connect to the Console, I get nothing, even the first time around.

I must admit, I've never used the Console before. Perhaps someone with more experience in that area will step up and give some ideas.


I must admit, I've never used the Console before. Perhaps someone with more experience in that area will step up and give some ideas.

@BREL & @ShapeShifter,

It works for me.

I started the IDE. I set my laptop Yun to the same AP (my cellphone works as a hotspot).


[Upload] button
Tools -> Port -> Arduino at (Arduino Yun)
Tools -> Serial Monitor

It only prints once (see below)
Note, I did have the upload stall more than once.


ASCII Table ~ Character Map
!, dec: 33, hex: 21, oct: 41, bin: 100001
", dec: 34, hex: 22, oct: 42, bin: 100010
#, dec: 35, hex: 23, oct: 43, bin: 100011
$, dec: 36, hex: 24, oct: 44, bin: 100100
%, dec: 37, hex: 25, oct: 45, bin: 100101
&, dec: 38, hex: 26, oct: 46, bin: 100110
', dec: 39, hex: 27, oct: 47, bin: 100111
(, dec: 40, hex: 28, oct: 50, bin: 101000
), dec: 41, hex: 29, oct: 51, bin: 101001
*, dec: 42, hex: 2A, oct: 52, bin: 101010
+, dec: 43, hex: 2B, oct: 53, bin: 101011
,, dec: 44, hex: 2C, oct: 54, bin: 101100
-, dec: 45, hex: 2D, oct: 55, bin: 101101
., dec: 46, hex: 2E, oct: 56, bin: 101110
/, dec: 47, hex: 2F, oct: 57, bin: 101111
0, dec: 48, hex: 30, oct: 60, bin: 110000
1, dec: 49, hex: 31, oct: 61, bin: 110001
2, dec: 50, hex: 32, oct: 62, bin: 110010
3, dec: 51, hex: 33, oct: 63, bin: 110011
4, dec: 52, hex: 34, oct: 64, bin: 110100
5, dec: 53, hex: 35, oct: 65, bin: 110101
6, dec: 54, hex: 36, oct: 66, bin: 110110
7, dec: 55, hex: 37, oct: 67, bin: 110111
8, dec: 56, hex: 38, oct: 70, bin: 111000
9, dec: 57, hex: 39, oct: 71, bin: 111001
:, dec: 58, hex: 3A, oct: 72, bin: 111010
;, dec: 59, hex: 3B, oct: 73, bin: 111011
<, dec: 60, hex: 3C, oct: 74, bin: 111100
=, dec: 61, hex: 3D, oct: 75, bin: 111101
>, dec: 62, hex: 3E, oct: 76, bin: 111110
?, dec: 63, hex: 3F, oct: 77, bin: 111111
@, dec: 64, hex: 40, oct: 100, bin: 1000000
A, dec: 65, hex: 41, oct: 101, bin: 1000001
B, dec: 66, hex: 42, oct: 102, bin: 1000010
C, dec: 67, hex: 43, oct: 103, bin: 1000011
D, dec: 68, hex: 44, oct: 104, bin: 1000100
E, dec: 69, hex: 45, oct: 105, bin: 1000101
F, dec: 70, hex: 46, oct: 106, bin: 1000110
G, dec: 71, hex: 47, oct: 107, bin: 1000111
H, dec: 72, hex: 48, oct: 110, bin: 1001000
I, dec: 73, hex: 49, oct: 111, bin: 1001001
J, dec: 74, hex: 4A, oct: 112, bin: 1001010
K, dec: 75, hex: 4B, oct: 113, bin: 1001011
L, dec: 76, hex: 4C, oct: 114, bin: 1001100
M, dec: 77, hex: 4D, oct: 115, bin: 1001101
N, dec: 78, hex: 4E, oct: 116, bin: 1001110
O, dec: 79, hex: 4F, oct: 117, bin: 1001111
P, dec: 80, hex: 50, oct: 120, bin: 1010000
Q, dec: 81, hex: 51, oct: 121, bin: 1010001
R, dec: 82, hex: 52, oct: 122, bin: 1010010
S, dec: 83, hex: 53, oct: 123, bin: 1010011
T, dec: 84, hex: 54, oct: 124, bin: 1010100
U, dec: 85, hex: 55, oct: 125, bin: 1010101
V, dec: 86, hex: 56, oct: 126, bin: 1010110
W, dec: 87, hex: 57, oct: 127, bin: 1010111
X, dec: 88, hex: 58, oct: 130, bin: 1011000
Y, dec: 89, hex: 59, oct: 131, bin: 1011001
Z, dec: 90, hex: 5A, oct: 132, bin: 1011010
[, dec: 91, hex: 5B, oct: 133, bin: 1011011
\, dec: 92, hex: 5C, oct: 134, bin: 1011100
], dec: 93, hex: 5D, oct: 135, bin: 1011101
^, dec: 94, hex: 5E, oct: 136, bin: 1011110
_, dec: 95, hex: 5F, oct: 137, bin: 1011111
`, dec: 96, hex: 60, oct: 140, bin: 1100000
a, dec: 97, hex: 61, oct: 141, bin: 1100001
b, dec: 98, hex: 62, oct: 142, bin: 1100010
c, dec: 99, hex: 63, oct: 143, bin: 1100011
d, dec: 100, hex: 64, oct: 144, bin: 1100100
e, dec: 101, hex: 65, oct: 145, bin: 1100101
f, dec: 102, hex: 66, oct: 146, bin: 1100110
g, dec: 103, hex: 67, oct: 147, bin: 1100111
h, dec: 104, hex: 68, oct: 150, bin: 1101000
i, dec: 105, hex: 69, oct: 151, bin: 1101001
j, dec: 106, hex: 6A, oct: 152, bin: 1101010
k, dec: 107, hex: 6B, oct: 153, bin: 1101011
l, dec: 108, hex: 6C, oct: 154, bin: 1101100
m, dec: 109, hex: 6D, oct: 155, bin: 1101101
n, dec: 110, hex: 6E, oct: 156, bin: 1101110
o, dec: 111, hex: 6F, oct: 157, bin: 1101111
p, dec: 112, hex: 70, oct: 160, bin: 1110000
q, dec: 113, hex: 71, oct: 161, bin: 1110001
r, dec: 114, hex: 72, oct: 162, bin: 1110010
s, dec: 115, hex: 73, oct: 163, bin: 1110011
t, dec: 116, hex: 74, oct: 164, bin: 1110100
u, dec: 117, hex: 75, oct: 165, bin: 1110101
v, dec: 118, hex: 76, oct: 166, bin: 1110110
w, dec: 119, hex: 77, oct: 167, bin: 1110111
x, dec: 120, hex: 78, oct: 170, bin: 1111000
y, dec: 121, hex: 79, oct: 171, bin: 1111001
z, dec: 122, hex: 7A, oct: 172, bin: 1111010
{, dec: 123, hex: 7B, oct: 173, bin: 1111011
|, dec: 124, hex: 7C, oct: 174, bin: 1111100
}, dec: 125, hex: 7D, oct: 175, bin: 1111101
~, dec: 126, hex: 7E, oct: 176, bin: 1111110