No Plugin Connection

System is openSuSE 42.2 64bit, Firefox 52.1.1 64bit, KDE framework 5.26

During the install I get this message:

Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
 Error running /home/mprowe/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/ /home/mprowe/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/ca.cert.pem: cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates//createAgentLocal.crt': No such file or directory
No provider of 'libnss3-tools' found.
/home/mprowe/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/ line 53: certutil: command not found

I can't find any information on "libnss3-tools" or "certutil".

Regards, Martin

sudo zypper install mozilla-nss-tools got me past the certutil error on OpenSuSE Tumbleweed 20170522. The plugin still doesn't seem to be working for me though.

Hi Xanothos,

Thank you for the tip.

Yes, like you I did not have mozilla-nss-tools installed. However, after installation the error ("Problem running post-install step.") goes away.

But the Plugin still does not work? Ho Hum....

Regards, Martin

Hi @xanathos

We do not support KDE nor OpenSuse but you can try our dev version of the plugin and see what happens. You can find it here: GitHub - arduino/arduino-create-agent: The Arduino Create Agent so we can possibly help you more if you have more output.

Curious, the dev version linked in the markdown is 1.0 where the 'current version' at the top of the markdown is 1.1?

curl http://localhost:8991/info responds, so the plugin appears to be listening here.

list provides the following output:
{ "Ports": [], "Network": true }
{ "Ports": [ { "Name": "/dev/ttyACM0", "SerialNumber": "", "DeviceClass": "", "IsOpen": false, "IsPrimary": false, "Baud": 0, "BufferAlgorithm": "", "Ver": "1.1.55", "NetworkPort": false, "VendorID": "0x2341", "ProductID": "0x0043" } ], "Network": false }

open /dev/ttyACM0 9600
time="2017-06-12T22:05:47Z" level=info msg="Inside spHandler"
time="2017-06-12T22:05:47Z" level=info msg="Opening serial port /dev/ttyACM0 at 9600 baud"
time="2017-06-12T22:05:47Z" level=info msg="Just tried to open port"
time="2017-06-12T22:05:47Z" level=info msg="Error opening port Permission denied"
{"Cmd":"OpenFail","Desc":"Error opening port. Permission denied","Port":"/dev/ttyACM0","Baud":9600}

Permission denied. Ok - that I can try to work around.

In the meantime, I get the following messages that just scroll on:
time="2017-06-12T22:05:44Z" level=info msg="[{/dev/ttyACM0 0x0043 0x2341 95333353836351900210 false}]"

Presumably that means something to someone.

I'll start fiddling with the permission denied issue - any pointers would be helpful.

ls -al /dev/ttyACM0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Jun 12 21:24 /dev/ttyACM0

My user account is a member of dialout, but come to think of it...I just added myself to dialout and didn't logout/login. I'll go do that and press on. Thanks!

Confirmed group membership, was able to open the port using the debug console, but firefox still doesn't recognize that the plugin is running.

Hi @mprowe and @xanothos,
the certificate being used by the agent is self signed, thus it must be accepted by the user. For Chrome, adding the generated public key in the certificate authorities is enough. Firefox, however, need an explicit confirmation, which should be asked during the installation flow (if you perform it in Firefox).
Otherwise, you can manually access http://localhost:8991/certificate.crt and you'll be prompted to install it.
Please note that, if you have already accessed Create with Chrome, the root certificate is gone for good (this is a security measure against possible malicious usages) and you'll need to repeat the installation procedure using Firefox

Otherwise, you can manually access http://localhost:8991/certificate.crt and you'll be prompted to install it.

Thank you for the suggestion. However... (isn't there always?)

As Xanotho says, there is something at 8991.

gzunder:~ # curl http://localhost:8991/info
gzunder:~ #

But I only get a 404 at http://localhost:8991/certificate.crt?

I note the comment Re: Chrome. But I have not used Chrome and I have also tried reinstalling the plugin in case the certificate had gone walkabout in Firefox as well!

Regards, Martin