No power from usb host shield

I bought 2 Arduino uno and host shields. With the boards together and powered by my usb charger, the Arduino's light up but neither my quadstick not my usb mouse power up. The pins all look great as the boards snap together.

what does it mean ?

if you power an Arduino UNO through USB, it gets 500mA for its own usage and whatever is powered from the Arduino.

The USB Host Shield can provide 5V to connected USB devices, but the current is limited by the power source of the Arduino board and the shield itself.

➜ How much current do you draw for whatever is connected?

im not sure but this is what im doing

rc car assembly 26min mark

post the link directly so that the viewer appears in the forum.

See if this helps.

Thank you I'll try this out tomorrow night. i'm away for the weekend so i'll post a reply Monday-ish. You ROCK !!!!!!!!!!