No-Power it possible?

Hi. I'm completely new to arduino and I'm looking for some advice. I'm designing and hope to prototype a product for sports applications to track & improve performance. Ideally I'd like to transmit accelerometer, gyroscope & magnetometer data to a smart phone and I'm wondering if it's possible to do this without powering the sensors? An example of what I mean would be something like the Tag system that GameGolf use ( As far as I'm aware their Tags require no power.
Any advice would be great appreciated.

I'm wondering if it's possible to do this without powering the sensors?

^lol, no.

The reason why the golf tags work is most likely due to electromagnetic induction through many small coils of wire connected to the sensor's MCU. In other words, an outside object (the golf club?) can induce a voltage and current to power the sensor. I'm guessing its the same way RFID electronics work.