Actually, I am already in Firefox. I cannot say wether the yun detects the existing wifi networks because the only entry shown is displayed with unreadable characters (which is not correct either)
Well, after running /usr/bin/reset-to-factory-anyway I still don't have the wifi signal. The wlan blue led keeps blinking rapidly and now the web administration site says:
No valid theme found
stack traceback:
: in function 'assert'
?: in function 'dispatch'
?: in function <?:194>
Oops :fearful:
On the other hand, running pretty-wifi-info.lua gives the following:
Current WiFi configuration
SSID: Arduino Yun-90A2DAF30256
Mode: Master
Signal: 0%
Encryption method: None
Interface name: wlan0
Active for: 10 minutes
IP address:
MAC address: 90:A2:DA:F3:02:56
RX/TX: 0/3 KBs
The blue led is normally off; it blinks only if I press the reset only. I do not see any mention of wlan or radio0 in the kernel log. Is this normal?
I tried the disable/enable button in luci but this didn't solve the problem. However, it does bring the interface inactive. When I enabled it, the pretty print showed the interface as being functional again, though without signal. The blue led is still off (should it be on?)
I cannot try the router thing now (I am at work and I have no control over the network)