No wifi signal from Yun


When I opened my Yún it worked very nicely. Now I can't get it to act as an access point, not even after resetting the wifi button for more than 30s.

I am connected to it via ethernet and so I can log into the arduino.local configuration utility. I notice three things from there:

  • The wifi interface is connected, but that it has not received any packets
  • The wifi interface is configured as an access point, in master mode
  • The signal strength is 0%
  • The wireless network is enabled
  • The DHCP server should also be enabled

However, I do not see any mention of wlan0, radio0, or DHCP in the kernel log. I clearly cannot see the network created by the yún in my computer.

I have tried crossing the "create" checkbox in the interface configuration and entering a name for the supposed new network, but without success.

I suspect that I have a configuration issue with the radio. Can anyone provide any clues?

Thank you,


If Detected wireless networks does not generate drop down list, then switch Firefox as browser is best bet.

Actually, I am already in Firefox. I cannot say wether the yun detects the existing wifi networks because the only entry shown is displayed with unreadable characters (which is not correct either)

If you have Yun console ( via ethernet) then type "/usr/bin/reset-to-factory-anyway" ( without quotation marks) at console to reset.
If you do not have Yun console then Seeing Yun in IDE Port menu - #19 by sonnyyu - Arduino Yún - Arduino Forum.

Thank you for your response, sonnyyu.

Well, after running /usr/bin/reset-to-factory-anyway I still don't have the wifi signal. The wlan blue led keeps blinking rapidly and now the web administration site says:

No valid theme found
stack traceback:

: in function 'assert'
	?: in function 'dispatch'
	?: in function <?:194>

Oops  :fearful:

No valid theme found
stack traceback:

: in function 'assert'

?: in function 'dispatch'
  ?: in function <?:194>

make sure connect web administration with ethernet ip address.

run " wifi-reset-and-reboot" might help.

Disable wifi-live-or-reset  to help find out problem.

make sure router set on less crowd channel

after wifi connection is OK. To confirm wifi Signal level:

Reable wifi-live-or-reset

nano /etc/rc.local

wifi-live-or-reset exit 0

still not work then ssh via ethernet  ip, at console rerun "/usr/bin/reset-to-factory-anyway" again.

Thank you again!

wifi-reboot-and-reset brought luci back.

On the other hand, running pretty-wifi-info.lua gives the following:

Current WiFi configuration
SSID: Arduino Yun-90A2DAF30256
Mode: Master
Signal: 0%
Encryption method: None
Interface name: wlan0
Active for: 10 minutes
IP address:
MAC address: 90:A2:DA:F3:02:56
RX/TX: 0/3 KBs

The blue led is normally off; it blinks only if I press the reset only. I do not see any mention of wlan or radio0 in the kernel log. Is this normal?

I tried the disable/enable button in luci but this didn't solve the problem. However, it does bring the interface inactive. When I enabled it, the pretty print showed the interface as being functional again, though without signal. The blue led is still off (should it be on?)

I cannot try the router thing now (I am at work and I have no control over the network)

Thanks again