I have a nodemcu esp8266 i got setup running with johnny five in order to run i have to use node xxx.js command with the ip address of my board with when i disconnect it the board stopped running too.
so How do i upload my js code on my board??
I have a nodemcu esp8266 i got setup running with johnny five in order to run i have to use node xxx.js command with the ip address of my board with when i disconnect it the board stopped running too.
so How do i upload my js code on my board??
Are we suppose to guess what "johnny five" is? ? ? ?
If you want help, learn to write you question properly.
Johnny-Five (the proper name) apparently runs on the host PC and there is client code that runs on the client which in your situation is the NodeMCU.
The firmware that is required to be installed on your NodeMCU is the StandardFirmata.
You really should do more work.
so How do i upload my js code on my board??
One way to run Javascript on an ESP8266 is Espruino. Espruino implements a subset of Javascript. This has nothing to do with Arduino.