Node MCU relay / switch

Hey all,
I’m putting together a smart control for my Halloween fog machine and have an approach question.

I need to switch a control circuit in the fog machine, it’s a 3.3v control circuit. I can pull 3.3 volts to power the Node from the fog machine since it has onboard 3.3v PS, however what’s the best way to switch the control circuit?

  1. Use a 3.3v relay on a digital pin (hard to find)
  2. Use a transistor circuit
  3. Kick up the voltage from the machine to 5v with additional hardware.

Thanks in advance!

First put a meter set to amps or if that does not read, milliamps - across the control switch terminals to determine how much current it must switch, also set to volts to make sure it is in fact, 3.3 or 5 V.

Check that one terminal is actually ground.