Hi, I have bought a new USB ASP AVR programmer which has Atmega8 microcontroller on it. I'm using it for uploading hex to 8051 microcontroller (I'm using AT89S52 8KB variant) via progISP. I'm using ProgISP Software to upload hex with different baudrate and adding jumper at JP3 on my particular USB ASP Programmer. When I load hex and hit enter, I get "Cheap Enable Program Error" on screen.
After googling for an hour and half, I found that chinese firmware don't work properly and many have suggested to update from [USBasp - USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers - fischl.de] with latest one. USB ASP AVR programmer can be programmed using an arduino UNO or Nano using SPI but at this moment I don't own any Arduino. But I have ESP8266 Nodemcu Board which also provides SPI programming hardware.
So, is it possible to use Nodemcu as a SPI Programmer for USB ASP AVR for flash firmware hex file?
I'm using this USB ASP AVR programmer:
[USB ASP AVR Programmer for ATMEL Processors buy online at Low Price in India - ElectronicsComp.com]