Hi i’m new in arduino and i have a little project,
I have a arduino nodemcu 8266 and a dht22 now i will controll a fan with the sensor values i find this code and edit it a little bit. 27 celsius turn on and 26 celsius turn it off.... Is it ok?
#include <dht.h> // include dht sensor library
#define dataPin 8 //DHT22 sensor signal input pin (You can change it as you want)
#define fanPin 13 // fan signal ouput pin (You can change it as you want)
dht DHT;
float t = 0;
float h = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(fanPin, OUTPUT); // set fan pin as output (5V) for your fan driver control (turning ON)
void loop() {
int readData = DHT.read22(dataPin); //read temp and humidity values from dht22 sensor
t = DHT.temperature; // name temperature as t
h = DHT.humidity; // name humidity as h
delay(2000); // delay for DHT22 sensor read from datasheet
if (t >= 27.0) { // if Fahrenheit >= 80 turn fan pin ON. (80 Fahrenheit to Celsius is 26,6). (of course, there you can calculate with math functions from celsius to fahrenheit if you want ! )
digitalWrite(fanPin, HIGH); //turn fan pin ON
else (t <= 26.0) { // if Fahrenheit < 80 turn fan pin OFF.
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW); //turn fan pin OFF