im using nodemcu 8266 with fingerprint sensor dy50 , when i use the sensor without wifi the sensor works perfectly , but when i use wifi the sensor starts to give false acceptance and communication error , i saw on internet that esp8266 has some problems with software serial , how can i fix my problem to use software serial (fingerprint sensor ) with wifi ?
Software serial needs the cpu to be completely free of other tasks, especially interrupts, this also often happens with one wire and I2C.
One of the options is to temporarily disable interrupts, or to use dedicated hardware, which does not depend on the CPU to generate the timings that the serial protocol needs for fidelity. Being asynchronous it is even more dependent on good timing of the data pulses to be sent and received.
Many members do not know that the ESP8266 Arduino core files were not written by the Arduino team.
Worst, the ESP8266 forum has no association with
I did a site-centric search for you:
This results sounded pertinent:
Please note the response is a few years old and the ESP8266 arduino ;
emulation changes, so make sure you are using the newest codebase
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