I am trying the most common example found everywhere: read IR signal from AC remote and send send it to the AC.
The setup:
NodeMCU 1.0 board (ESP-12E module) connected to 3 connectors IR receiver and an IR transmitter near it.
Receiver is connected to 5V, GND, D5. Transmitter is connected GND to GND, DAT to D2 (Also tried replacing this with IR LED with a 220Ohm resistor, same results).
Using IRremoteESP8266 library.
What I did:
Tried reading the hex number. Each command is shown as "Coolix" message of 24bit and then Unknown message of 43 bit.
(Coolix) B23F40
(Unknown) 77415F6E -
Tried sending Coolix message via the IR LED - the AC doesn't respond, the IR receiver shows the "Coolix" message received, without the 2nd Unknown part.
Tried sending the 2 messages as "Coolix", but the AC doesn't respond them AND they aren't shown as expected via IR receiver.
So I'm thinking maybe the protocol just looks like Coolix, but isn't (or maybe the remote sends 2 messages at a time, to support several AC models?).
Tried sending just
B23F40 as Coolix - the IR receiver spots it, but AC ignores
77415F6E - .. just unable to send it via any sendData, sendGeneric, send(COOLIX,) -
Tried running the example of "Dumb IR Repeater". It says that command was repeated.. but there's no effect.
What could be wrong?