boa tarde estou com um problema onde eu não consigo fazer o seguinte codigo funcionar.

// Pin definitions

define Hall sensor 2 // Pino digital 2

// Constants definitions
const float pi = 3.14159265; // Numero pi
int period = 5000; // Tempo de medida(miliseconds)
int delaytime = 2000; // Time between samples (miliseconds)
int radius = 147; // Raio do anemometro(mm)

// Variable definitions
unsigned int Sample = 0; // Sample number
unsigned int counter = 0; // magnet counter for sensor
unsigned int RPM = 0; // Revolutions per minute
float speedwind = 0; // Wind speed (m/s)
float windspeed = 0; // Wind speed (km/h)

void addcount(){

// Measure wind speed
void windvelocity(){
speedwind = 0;
windspeed = 0;

counter = 0;
attachInterrupt(0, addcount, RISING);
unsigned long millis();
long startTime = millis();
while(millis() < startTime + period) {

void RPMcalc(){
RPM=((counter)*60)/(period/1000); // Calculate revolutions per minute (RPM)

void WindSpeed(){
windspeed = ((4 * pi * radius * RPM)/60) / 1000; // Calculate wind speed on m/s


void SpeedWind(){
speedwind = (((4 * pi * radius * RPM)/60) / 1000)*3.6; // Calculate wind speed on km/h


void setup()
// Set the pins
pinMode(2, INPUT);
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); //internall pull-up active

//Start serial
Serial.begin(9600); // sets the serial port to 9600 baud

void loop()
Serial.print(": Start measurement...");
Serial.println(" finished.");
Serial.print("Counter: ");
Serial.print("; RPM: ");
Serial.print("; Wind speed: ");

//print m/s
Serial.print(" [m/s] ");

//print km/h
Serial.print(" [km/h] ");

delay(delaytime); //delay between prints

// Measure wind speed
void windvelocity(){
speedwind = 0;
windspeed = 0;

counter = 0;
attachInterrupt(0, addcount, RISING);
unsigned long millis();
long startTime = millis();
while(millis() < startTime + period) {

ele aparece a mensagem : ISR not is IRAM nessa parte attachInterrupt(0, addcount, RISING); e não consigo de jeito nenhum fazer funcionar meu anemometro, sendo que no arduino mega funciona esse codigo normalmente.

Please post your sketch within </> code-tags and request your post to be moved to the appropriate language section (or post in English) I think btw this attachInterrupt(0, addcount, RISING);should be within setup() or at least be called only once.