ich habe heute das Nokia 3310 Display von nuelectronics.com bekommen. Ist ganz nett gemacht mit Joystick etc. Aber: die Library hat keinerlei Funktion für Setzen von Pixel drinnen. Irgendwie wir die Grafik auch nicht "von Rechts oben nach Links unten" aufgebaut, sondern irgendwie ganz merkwürdig - jedenfalls verstehe ich das nicht. Hat wer schon eine Library Erweiterung für Pixel gebaut?
Understanding the LCD
The Nokia 3310 display works in a pretty strange way, so we will cover how it works in this step. The Nokia 3310 display addresses it's 84×42 pixels with 0-83 on the X axis, and 0-5 on the Y axis. The display has 6 pixels "Banks" on the Y axis, and these banks are 8 pixels tall and 84 pixels wide. By doing this, we can represent 8 pixels on the Y axis in just 1 byte! As you know, 1 byte is made up of 8 bits. 11111111 is translated to 8 solid pixels on the Y axis. The only downside is that you HAVE to write 8 pixels at a time and overwrite the existing data at the location.
Each time you draw pixels to the display, the display will automatically move to the next byte on the X axis. You will find this very convenient, as you do not have to move manually every time you draw something. If you're on the last byte of a bank, the display will instead send you to the 1st byte on the next bank, and if it is on the bottom of the display, you will continue from the top.