Nokia 5110 LCD Display doesnt display text

hi everyone, i am working with a common nokia display and i can not make it display any text. i am not sure if the problem is software or hardward or maybe both. LEt me attach files anf images. I want to use it as a bebugging display screen so i can watch what my arduino is running in another project of mine. So i dont want to make anything extraodinery, just a simple text, hello world.

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_PCD8544.h>

boolean backlight = true;
int contrast=20;

Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544( 5, 4, 3);

void setup() {

  digitalWrite(7, LOW); //Turn Backlight ON
  display.setContrast(contrast); //Set contrast to 50

    display.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK);
    display.setCursor(15, 0);
    display.print("MAIN MENU");
    display.setCursor(0, 15);


void loop() {


hi everyone, i am working with a common nokia display and i can not make it display any text. i am not sure if the problem is software or hardward or maybe both. LEt me attach files anf images. I want to use it as a bebugging display screen so i can watch what my arduino is running in another project of mine. So i dont want to make anything extraodinery, just a simple text, hello world.


Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544( 5, 4, 3);

I'm not familiar with that library, but I'm surprised that it calls for so few connections. Your display looks exactly the same as mine, which does not mean it is exactly the same, but mine is not an Adafruit product. If yours isn't either, I suggest you try another library. I use the standard Philips PCD8544, which has the pin call included. There is another from RinkyDink, where the pin call is in the programme.

Oh ok, um do you have any sketch available so that i could test it out? Thanks!

The libraries come with "hello wold" programmes included.

I'm not familiar with that library, but I'm surprised that it calls for so few connections.

I recall that the Adafruit library only needs 3 unique connections, it assumes that SCK and MOSI from the Arduino hardware SPI are connected appropriatly.

I recall that the Adafruit library only needs 3 unique connections, it assumes that SCK and MOSI from the Arduino hardware SPI are connected appropriatly.

Ah, that explains a bit, hardware SPI then. From the not very clear picture, it may in fact be wired correctly.

Thanks for the answer. SCK is connected at the CLK pin and MOSI pin of the arduino is connected at the DIN pin. I believe that those two connections are fine.

Is there a reason for the 2 sides of the pins at the LED display? The pin labels are the same, maybe I have connected the wrong side? :confused:

Is there a reason for the 2 sides of the pins at the LED display? The pin labels are the same, maybe I have connected the wrong side? :confused:

A simple check with a multimeter might be revealing ?