Non technical person wants your help!

Hello! I am totally new to this world.

I want to have 2 kinds of devices.

Both are the sensors which detect the speed of pedaling a bicycle and send those signals to smartphone via bluetooth.

Unfortunately I am not engineer and have no technical skill at all, so I want to look for a engineer who can choose and customize hardware devices for me (I have a game developer).

What is a name of this type of engineer person? Industrial Engineering? Bluetooth device developer? Wearable Development? or?

You said what type of sensors you have. Well, actually you didn't. You just (improperly) linked two videos. Would probably be more useful to link to the actual devices themselves, or at least mention their names. Be sure to make links clickable. Read the forum rules if you don't know how to do that.

But moreover, you never said what it is that you want to do with them. That's a pretty important detail right there. That is going to determine what type of person you need to help you.


If you are serious about wanting to hire an engineer to help/design/manage such an endeavor I would look to your local technical temp agency or perhaps a technical headhunter (they often have the contacts for such a person).

As for a name of the desired engineer, I would go with electronic engineer and add you specific needs. Different engineers are proficient in different areas, there is no specific name for the talents you need.

Good luck

You should also look for an app developer if you want the smartphone app to be good.

Goto Gigs and Collaborations section of this forum

Tom.. :slight_smile:

You said what type of sensors you have. Well, actually you didn't. You just (improperly) linked two videos. Would probably be more useful to link to the actual devices themselves, or at least mention their names. Be sure to make links clickable. Read the forum rules if you don't know how to do that.

But moreover, you never said what it is that you want to do with them. That's a pretty important detail right there. That is going to determine what type of person you need to help you.

Sorry for not to paste clickable links. However I purposely put 2 links to show 2 different sensors. The first one is that the device placed on the pedal. The second one is that the device placed on the wheel. I do not know the name of those devices.

The devices only detect the speed of pedaling/wheel and send those signals to a phone via bluetooth.

I hope I made it clear but if not, please let me know. I try to do so as much as I can.


If you are serious about wanting to hire an engineer to help/design/manage such an endeavor I would look to your local technical temp agency or perhaps a technical headhunter (they often have the contacts for such a person).

As for a name of the desired engineer, I would go with electronic engineer and add you specific needs. Different engineers are proficient in different areas, there is no specific name for the talents you need.

OK, thanks! It is "electronic engineer" who I am looking for. It is so easy for you guys, but it is very helpful for non technical person like me :slight_smile:

You should also look for an app developer if you want the smartphone app to be good.

Yes. As I wrote, I already have a game developer.

But I just wonder which is the better way;

-I complete a device and send it to a game developer by post before game production.


-A game developer finish the game and send a game to electronic engineer by for device development.

What do you guys think?

Goto Gigs and Collaborations section of this forum

Tom.. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I go there!