noob 1307 RTC issue help please


I'm a complete noob on everything and I'm having trouble with a 1307RTC module. It's pre-assenmbled as I thought I would avoid any errors from my part

I've got an Arduino Mega and breadboard with the RTC hooked up.
I went onto ladyada tutorials and loaded their RTC library for it.
Unplugged the battery as per the tutorial.
Open up the example sketch and upload it to the Mega no problem.
Serial monitor is showing what it should according to the tutorial (although with a different date to the tutorial)

I then uncomment the line that is supposed to set the time and start the clock running but the date is never set and it still sits on the same funny date and doesn't change.

"2165/165/165 165:165:85
since midnight 1/1/1970 = 2028820689s = 23481d
now + 7d + 30s: 2034/4/23 17:18:39"

I've got power off the Arduino +5V and Ground. The other 2 are on analogue pin 4(SDA)+5(SCL) (not using SQW) Have nothing else hooked up (spot the noob lol)

Arduino 1.0 and 1.01 have given the same thing. Could the module be faulty?
Thanks in Advance

SDA and SCL on an Arduino Mega are on pin 20 and 21, they are not on the same pins as a Duemilanove or Uno.

THANK YOU :slight_smile:

I assumed it would be a common thing for all the boards.
Assumption being the mother of all F___ up I suppose.
I'll spend time going through the link properly
Thanks again.

Those would be the 2 pins labelled as exactly that then...... Feel like a moron, it's working perfectly thanks