noob: ir remote + servo + leds

Ok, first of all, i'm verry new to any programming language (i'm only 16 years old...)(plc's are no problem for me...)
I have been experimenting a little with my arduino.
My goal is to use a universal tv remote (from Phillips) to control 2 servos, and a flashing led at the same time

the code below (without flashing leds and servo) works, but when i modify it, i make a mess of it and it won't work like i want it to =(

what i want:
press button one on the remote ( hex code 0x00 ) to let the led (pin 13) flash on and off
press button 4 to set the servo to 0 degrees, button 5 for 90 degrees, button 6 for 180 degrees
(not really really necessary:) press button 7 to set the servo to 0 degrees, button 8 for 90 degrees, button 9 for 180 degrees

(the website of the original code:
original code:

my messed up code: (everything with " //-------------- " is my failed modification)

// my modified messed up non-working code:

#define F_CPU 16000000UL	// CPU clock in Hertz.
#define TMR0_PRESCALER 256UL
#define IR_BIT 1778UL	// bit duration (us) in use for IR remote (RC5 std)
#define	IR_IN  8	//IR receiver is on digital pin 8 (PORT B, bit0)

#define TMR0_T (F_CPU/TMR0_PRESCALER*IR_BIT/1000000UL)
#define TMR0_Tmin (TMR0_T - TMR0_T/4UL)	// -25%
#define TMR0_Tmax (TMR0_T + TMR0_T/4UL)	// +25%
#if TMR0_Tmax > 255
	#error "TMR0_Tmax too big, change TMR0 prescaler value ", (TMR0_Tmax)

#include <Servo.h>             //--------------------------------
Servo myservo;                 //--------------------------------
int degrees = 0;                   //--------------------------------

// Variables that are set inside interrupt routines and watched outside
// must be volatile
volatile uint8_t	tmr0_OC1A_int;  // flag, signals TMR0 timeout (bad !)
volatile uint8_t	no_bits;        // RC5 bits counter (0..14)
volatile uint16_t	ir_data_word;   // if <> holds a valid RC5 bits string (good !)

void start_timer0(uint8_t cnt) {
	OCR0A = cnt;
	TCNT0 = 0;
	tmr0_OC1A_int = 0;
	TIMSK0 |= _BV(OCIE0A);	// enable interrupt on OC0A match
	TCCR0B |= _BV(CS02);	// start timer0 with prescaler = 256

// Interrupt service routines
ISR(PCINT0_vect) {			//  signal handler for pin change interrupt
	if(no_bits == 0) {		// hunt for first start bit (must be == 1)
			ir_data_word = 1;
	} else {
		if(!tmr0_OC1A_int) {		// not too much time,
			if(TCNT0 > TMR0_Tmin) {	// not too little.
				// if so wait next (mid bit) interrupt edge
				ir_data_word <<= 1;
					ir_data_word |= 1;
				} else {
					ir_data_word &= ~1;

ISR(TIM0_COMPA_vect) {		// timer0 OC1A match interrupt handler
	TCCR0B &= ~(_BV(CS02) | _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00));	// stop timer
	tmr0_OC1A_int = 1;	// signal timeout
	no_bits = 0;		// start over with hunt for valid stream
	ir_data_word = 0;

void setup() {
        myservo.attach(9);                        //--------------------------------------------
        Serial.begin(9600);	// opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
// IR remote control receiver is on IR_IN digital port
        pinMode(IR_IN, INPUT);

        pinMode(13, OUTPUT);                    //-------------------

// pin change interrupt enable on IR_IN port

// Timer 0 : Fast PWM mode. Stopped, for now.
	TCCR0A = _BV(WGM00) | _BV(WGM01);
	TCCR0B = _BV(WGM02);
	no_bits = 0;
	sei();			// enable interrupts

void loop() {

	uint8_t data_word;    // 0..63 holds a valid RC5 key code.

	for(;;) {
		if((no_bits == 14) && ((ir_data_word & 0x37C0) == 0x3000)){
			no_bits = 0;						// prepare for next capture
			data_word = ir_data_word & 0x3F;	// extract data word

                        Serial.print(data_word, HEX);          // output code to console
                        Serial.print("\n\r");                    // output code to console
			switch(data_word) {
				case 0x01:				// button 1 on most RC5 remotes
                                digitalWrite(13,1);     //- I WANT PIN 13 TO BLINK!!!----------------------!!!

				case 0x04:				
                                degrees = 1;                      //-------------------------------------
                                myservo.write(degrees);           //-------------------------------------

                                case 0x05:				
                                degrees = 90;                     //-------------------------------------
                                myservo.write(degrees);           //-------------------------------------

                                case 0x06:				
                                degrees = 180;                    //-------------------------------------
                                myservo.write(degrees);           //-------------------------------------

			// etcetera for other codes,  some are in the table below

/* Typical RC5 codes:
key			command bits (system bits = 0)
0			0x00
1			0x01
2			0x02
3			0x03
4			0x04
5			0x05
6			0x06
7			0x07
8			0x08
9			0x09
"right arrow"		0x10
"left arrow"		0x11
"channel shuffle +"	0x20
"channel shuffle +"	0x21
"mute"			0x0D
sleep timer		0x26
vol -			0x11
vol +			0x10
"auto fine tune"	0x3B
default restore		0x0E
power 		        0x0C

What does it do? Do you see appropriate output in the serial monitor to indicate that you're getting data from the remote? Do you have a separate power supply for the servos? If not, you'll likely need one. Does button one light the LED? Note that you have nothing that ever turns it off. As an experiment it might be worth making one of the other buttons do that, just to prove to yourself that you have control over something. As to blinking though, as ever, you will want to look at the blink without delay example.

similar project, different code:

@ wildbill:
yes i see the hexadecimal code of the remote in the serial monitor (that part works, because i didn't modify the monitor part of the code)

at the moment i am planning to put it in a rc tractor, so it would be 7,2 to 8,4 volt...
could i connect the arduino "barrel jack", and the positive and negative side of the servos at the same "AA rechargable batteries"?
but now for the moment i connect my single servo (as i only have one at the moment) to the gnd and +5v pins of the arduino (through usb)

yes, button one lights the led at the moment (not turning it off...) (i will try to paste it to the "blink without display example")

@ Big Oil:
thanks, i will certainly examine that code good

thank you both for the quick response!

ok, i managed to let the servo code of you work, thanks alot!!!