Hello, i am in the final planning stages of building a robot, and here is the hardware(besides the arduino) that i will be using
2x servo motors
1x IR sensor
1x Adafruit Wave Shield(Adafruit Wave Shield for Arduino Kit [v1.1] : ID 94 : $22.00 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits)
a few extra LED's
1x Ping))) Ultrasonic Range Finder
1x Accelerometer
1x Parralax RFID reciever
1x HMC6352 I2C Compass Sensor
also, i need bluetooth but i dont wanna pay for an arduino BT, where could i get a bluetooth shield or something like that for a low(ish) price?
i was thinking of putting this all on on a fat arduino mega, what do you think i should do?
also is it possibe to rip out the bluetooth transmitter from a wiimote and use it on an arduino?