I had a simple question that i couldn't answer through searches. I was just wondering is someone could point me towards some info on using a motion sensor and arduino to play back music when the sensor is activated.
I know this is lame question but I am utterly new to the arduino and I am doing it for a project at work.
Thanks for any help.
Break the problem down into its component parts:
- detect when motion sensor is triggered
- play some music.
There are examples for both (or very, very close) in the tutorials and playground.
thanks alot for the help, is it possible to upload a short soundtrack to an arduino that it can then output to s set of speakers?
is it possible to upload a short soundtrack to an arduino that it can then output to s set of speakers
If by "soundtrack" you mean "sample", not really, no, unless you use some form of external memory like an SD card - the AVR processor simply doesn't have sufficient memory.
What you need is an arduino and a wave shield, the arduino does the switching, the shield plays the audio
As has been said, the Arduino lacks enough resources to do it alone.