noobie question

hi, iam buy Arduino a lot o time ago.
Arduino has 14pin can i do more pin?

sorry my English, iam Russian.

Your English is better than my Russian. :slight_smile:

It depends on what you are trying to do. There are various tricks to get more I/O pins like shift registers, multiplexers (muxes), I/O expanders using SPI or I2C interfaces, etc.


mm.. i read about more controllers (fro example AT32AP7000), can i replace controller from arduino without trubles? in radioelectronic i noobie, but i want know more)

Your English is better than my Russian. :slight_smile:

It depends on what you are trying to do. There are various tricks to get more I/O pins like shift registers, multiplexers (muxes), I/O expanders using SPI or I2C interfaces, etc.


"shift registers"
you are talking about this?

if true mm.. this is cool.. than i get my arduino i can try this, big thx!

about "lot of time" i mean "little time" :slight_smile:
thx for understend

"shift registers"
you are talking about this?

Yes, that's what I was talking about.

As far as replacing the chip, there is only one family of chips that will "drop in" to the Arduino's socket, the ATmega8, ATmega48, ATmega88, and ATmega168. You must have the bootloader programmed onto the chip to upload programs using the serial port, so you have to own a hardware programmer (like the USBtiny or the AVRISPmkII) or buy the chips from someone who has burned the bootloader for you.
