Not able to control RGB LED

Hi i cannot control a simple Piranha superflux common cathode 5MM led i am completely new beginner

I have windows 8 , Arduino leonardo with headers

my led behaves very weird it dosnt make white glow instead when i write rgb code for white it shows only red color it has happened multiple times whenever i am expecting some other color red glows instead

My main goal was to do a processing software that control rgb led but it pisses me than i am struck on this simple problem

Please help me

Post a schematic, showing how the LED is connected to your Arduino, and the sketch you have written. We might be able to help you then.

To get sensible help on this you will need to tell us how the RGB LED is wired up to the Leonardo
With a common cathode LED you connect the cathode to ground and connect each LED's anode through a resistor to an output pin. Then a HIGH turns it on, a LOW turns it off.

As others have said please post more, but because your issue seems similar to one I had before I will hazard a guess.

RGB LEDs use three different segments that mix to make various colors. They are not however, perfectly balanced so if you turn all of the segments on equally, red will almost always overpower the other two colors and you end up with a red light. Try using PWM (analog writes) to balance the three segments until you get an acceptably white shade. Having done this myself I can say for certain that getting a good white out of a RGB LED is not easy and will require a good deal of time and patience.

All of this said, it could be that you are missing the other two segments entirely. If that is the case you will need to post more so we can check your wiring.