Not able to Receive Serial Data from Arduino zero on Programming /Native Port


I have just started using Arduino Zero one week ago.
And currently facing an issue in receiving serial data on programming port.

I just uploaded very simple sketch like

void setup() {

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
Serial.print("Abhishek !!!");
delay(1000); // wait for a second

But when I open serial monitor on IDE no data is seen coming.

But when I connect the same Arduino Board to Raspberry Pi and write a simple python script to read data on "/dev/ttyAMC0" , data comes without any issue.

I am using windows 10 as host where Data is not coming and I tried disabling firewall and other COM ports also. But doing these things also did not help.

Hi roy_abhishek,

On a Windows machine you should be able to see if your Arduino Zero is connected by going to the Window's Device Manager and on clicking the Port (COM & LPT) item.

If the board's connected, it should say "Arduino Zero (COMx)".