Not receiving data with HC05

I have set up a simple program that reads the command line for an Input then changes the LED state according to the input by using a HC05 Bluetooth module. How ever when i send the signal with my phone it does not work. I can use the computer serial monitor and it works fine and even shows up on my phone.

Please see pictures for detail.

It is generally advisable to get the bluetooth device off of the hardware serial pins, so that you can use them for debugging.

It is generally NOT advisable to post pictures of code. The compiler doesn't compiler a picture of code. The Arduino doesn't run a picture of code. Don't expect us to look at a picture of TEXT.

const int ledpin=13;
int state=0;

void setup()
pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (Serial.available()>0)
int state=;
if (state=='0')
Serial.println("LED is OFF");
if (state=='1')
Serial.println("LED is ON");

I thought it had to be on the those pins as to send and receive data.


I found this great article that i have linked, unfortunately i was lead astray by a few tutorials that showed it plugged into the TX and RX ports with the wrong code.