Hello again,
Having fixed all my previous problems (thanks to this forum) I have been busily printing stuff for my new CNC 6040 Mach3 Mill. All appeared to be working well. Until...
Firstly, when printing a fairly large object the Slic3r, the time estimate was for 2 Hrs but, after about ten minutes, the Effector began to traverse the bed more and more slowly.
The timer ran with longer and longer gaps between updates. After 2 Hrs I quit the printing when it was only half done.
I had noticed, while doing some smaller prints just before this event took place, that the Effector has somewhat 'jittery' on the first (0.35mm) layer. This seemed to smooth out on the second layer (0.3mm). Temperatures printing PLA were 195C and Ultrabase was set to 60C. Nozzle is 0.4mm.
I fired up the trusty Pronterface program to check the geometry. All measurements on the Pronterface bed are still precise, the print plane is dead flat (I manually set the delta parameters on my Anycubic Kossel Delta Plus), and the distance moved on command are very precise.
Secondly, now when I try to print anything from my Arduino 1.6.0 IDE (yep, I have tried several other iterations of Arduino / Marlin with the same following results) the Effector descends to the bed, jumps on the first movement, runs in inconsistent, sometimes crazy leaps, and then misses steps. Of course the print is rubbish so I have to hit the kill button.
It seems to my analysis that there is nothing wrong with the RAMPS board, steppers or USB connections because the Pronterface test gives perfect results.
I suspect there is something going on in the Arduino communication timing or with the Slic3r program. I have run my .stl files through NetFabb on the off chance that it's a file issue but the results are identical.
I am really puzzled by the slower and slower running of the print. I always thought the programs would either run or stop. It's as if the clock is running at some sort of disrupted pace. There is no discernible mechanical load buildup.
The print plane when the print is running is now tilted from being dead flat so there are definitely steps going astray somehow
Don't you just LOVE a good mystery? I will scour the forum for a similar thread but, so far, nothing like this has shown up.
I just thought of trying a different slicer program, such as Cura, so I will let you know if I have any luck. I'm not optimistic...
As ever, your thoughts would be really welcome.
Scintilla (yet again )