I could really use some help and direction here. I'm very new to Arduino and programing.. So please .. I'm just looking for some direction.. Not have someone do it for me .. But if someone wants to do it for me .. I'm totally cool with that. JK. lol. Without knowledge we have no strength.
I have 3 npn prox sensors on a screw style tangent arm. 1 for left end stop. 1 for right end stop. And 1 for center.
So what I'm trying to accomplish is when I push button 1 the stepper motor drives the screw moving the arm until it finds center. If it hits the center prox sensor stop for 2 seconds then rest. If it hits the right prox center. Reverse direction and find center prox sensor and stop for 2 seconds then rest.
I know this is probably very simple. But I'm lost. Just to let you know this is for a very large telescope at a non profit observatory that's open to the public.
Thanks in advance