NRF24L01+ adapter

What is the purpose of this module? Addicore nRF24L01+ Adapter Board

It provides a stable power supply that can deliver the required current to the NRF24

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From google search, I found that the nRF24L01 with the SMA antennas, need 3.3 Volt power supply, but their pins operate with 5 Volt logic as I understand. If I use the above mentioned adapter, what are the voltage of the adapter's pins?

You supply the adapter with 5V using the VCC and GND pins and it has a 3.3V regulator on board to provide power to the NRF module

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Ok, I understood that. Thanks! The SPI and the rest pins of the adapter, on what voltage they operate?

From the nRF24L01 datasheet front page:

The SPI bus signals will be at whatever voltage level your micro runs at, which would be 5V for an UNO.

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First time I am reading this: "The SPI bus signals will be at whatever voltage level your micro runs at"... I thought that SPI should be operate on devices Master/Slave that "talk" to the same voltage a priori defined... So, I can directly connect the nRF24L01 + its adapter to Arduino DUE, that operates at 3.3 Volts power and I/O ?

If you use the adapter with a DUE (3.3V system), then the SPI signals (MOSI, MISO, SCK) + CE + CSN will be at 3.3V. The adapter board does not change the voltage levels of the SPI signals.

At @UKHeliBob said back in post #2, all that board does is provide a suitable 3.3V power source for the nRF24L01 module.

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I tried this code: How to use the NRF24L01 module with Arduino - with nRF24L01+, RF24 adapters and 2 Arduino MEGA 2560. Everything fine! I tried the same scheme with Arduino GIGA R1, nothing works...Any idea? I supply Arduino, and the rest modems with 5Volts/2 Amperes power supply...

Did you adjust the pin numbers used in the sketch and the corresponding connections ?

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CE, CSN only, and of course the SPI in Arduino GIGA R1... Do I need something else?

Does anyone know, how to make it work?

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