That file just defines a bunch of constant macros. Unless you are using any of them it's probably not necessary to include it in your sketch but it shouldn't cause any problems to do so. If you look through the included examples you'll see that many of them do include that file. It may be that this was required in older versions of the Arduino IDE as sometimes you do need to include files in the sketch that are used in the libraries even if you aren't using the functions of that file directly in the sketch.
I am desperate for answers so I am attacking the problem from different angles in the hope of some inkling of a solution. Each thread comes at the problem a different way, each brings in other contributors. My hope is that, one day, the solution will pop up.
Breaking the discussion of your issue into a bunch of different threads fragments the information available to people trying to help. I've responded to several of your threads so I'm aware of which library you're using, which board, and some of the details of your issue but some users will not have seen the other posts and so you're starting from scratch every time. This can cause our time to be wasted due to duplicate effort. When you have different questions on distinctly different topics I think it's reasonable to do so in different threads but making a multiple threads in various forum sections just because you're desperate for answers is not respectful to this forum and is counterproductive to your goal.