nrf24l01 R/C no matching function for call to 'RF24::write(String&)'

Hi all. I'm trying to get an R/C car working using two Arduino Pro-Minies + NRF24L01. I have done a bunch of tutorials on the NRF unit. I have a pair set up and have established communication between them with simple hello world and ping pong commands.

I have even got a limited version of Servo+ motor control going, but the code I was working with didn't include trim pots for the throttle and steering.

So I found an example for an R/C airplane but it used an XBee. I'm trying to change the code to work with the NRF module and am running into a problem. Can somebody please help me understand where I went wrong with this? Here is the TX code it is stalling with:

I tried to add comments to show where I made changes. The code I started out with can be found at the github link.

I know the code is for a model airplane. That's ok. I will keep it that way but only use the channels I need for the car. Throttle will be just that for car and Rudder will be steering.

no matching function for call to 'RF24::write(String&)'

// ArduinoRC-Tx.ino

// (c) Will Streuli 2015
// modified for NRF24l01 by Jonathan jonawadl
//- WHAT IT DOES: Reads Analog values  and transmits
//them over a nRF24L01 Radio Link to another transceiver.
//- SEE the comments after "//" on each line below - CONNECTIONS: nRF24L01 Modules See:
//1 - GND
//2 - VCC 3.3V !!! NOT 5V
//3 - CE to Arduino pin 9 
//4 - CSN to Arduino pin 10 
//5 - SCK to Arduino pin 13 
//6 - MOSI to Arduino pin 11 
//7 - MISO to Arduino pin 12 
//8 - UNUSED 
//Analog inputs (Joysticks + Buttons) 
//GND to Arduino GND 
//VCC to Arduino +5V 
//Throttle Pot to Arduino pin A0
//Rudder to Arduino pin A1
//Elevator pot to Arduino pin A2
//Ailron pot to Arduino pin A3
//Throttle trim Pot to Arduino pin A4
//Rudder trim pot to Arduino pin A5
//Elevator trim pot to Arduino pin A6
//Ailron trim pot to Arduino pin A7
//Rudder pot to Arduino
//elevdualrate switch to Arduino pin 2

//-----( Import needed libraries )-----/ Added for NRF24l01
#include <SPI.h> 
#include <nRF24L01.h> 
#include <RF24.h>

//-----( Declare Constants and Pin Numbers )---/ Added for NRF24l01
// Radio Pins
#define CE_PIN 9
#define CSN_PIN 10 
//TX pot pins
//#define throttleval A0; // I defined a bunch of pins, but it appears the way this code is written it has them defined in a way I'm not used to further down. I commented them out. 
//#define throttletrimval A4;
//#define elevval A2;
//#define elevtrimval A6;
//#define aileronval A3;
//#define ailerontrimval A7;

// NOTE: the "LL" at the end of the constant is "LongLong" type
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL; // Define the transmit pipe 

// read values from analog sticks
int throttleval;
int elevval;
int rudderval;
int aileronval;

// read values from pots for trim
int throttletrimval;
int elevtrimval;
int ruddertrimval;
int ailerontrimval;

// values to send to plane, via NRF24l01
String sendthrottleval;
String sendelevval;
String sendrudderval;
String sendaileronval;

// dual rate values from pots
float elevdualrate;
float ailerondualrate;

boolean simulator = false;

//---( Declare objects )---/
RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN); // Create a Radio 

void setup() {

 radio.begin(); //Starts NRF radio 
 radio.openWritingPipe(pipe); } // Do I need more than one radio pipe for the different channels? 

	pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

	pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);
	//digitalWrite(12, HIGH);

	pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP);
	//digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
	pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);
	//digitalWrite(10, HIGH);

	// check plugged into computer for simulator
	if(digitalRead(12) == HIGH) {
		simulator = false;
	} else {
		simulator = true;
		digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

void loop() {





void throttleRead() {
	throttleval = analogRead(A0);
	throttleval = map(throttleval, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
	throttletrimval = analogRead(A4);
	throttletrimval = map(throttletrimval, 0, 1023, -25, 25);
	throttleval += throttletrimval;
	constrain(throttleval, 0, 179);
	sendthrottleval = String(throttleval);
	sendthrottleval += "a";

void elevRead() {
	elevval = analogRead(A2);
	elevval = map(elevval, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
	elevtrimval = analogRead(A6);
	elevtrimval = map(elevtrimval, 0, 1023, -25, 25);
	elevval += elevtrimval;
	//elevval *= elevdualrate;
	constrain(elevval, 0, 179);
	sendelevval = String(elevval);
	sendelevval += "b";

void aileronRead() {
	aileronval = analogRead(A3);
	aileronval = map(aileronval, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
	ailerontrimval = analogRead(A7);
	ailerontrimval = map(ailerontrimval, 0, 1023, -25, 25);
	aileronval += ailerontrimval;
	aileronval *= ailerondualrate;
	aileronval /= 100;
	constrain(aileronval, 0, 179);
	sendaileronval = String(aileronval);
	sendaileronval += "d";

void rudderRead() {
	rudderval = analogRead(A1);
	rudderval = map(rudderval, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
	ruddertrimval = analogRead(A5);
	ruddertrimval = map(ruddertrimval, 0, 1023, -25, 25);
	rudderval += ruddertrimval;
	constrain(rudderval, 0, 179);
	sendrudderval = String(rudderval);
	sendrudderval += "c";

// for dual rates (factor of control surface movement)
void elevDualRead() {
	if(digitalRead(12) == HIGH) {
	    elevdualrate = analogRead(3);
	    elevdualrate = map(elevdualrate, 0, 1023, 1, 100);
	} else {
	    elevdualrate = 1;

// for dual rates (factor of control surface movement)
void aileronDualRead() {
	if(digitalRead(11) == HIGH) {
	    ailerondualrate = analogRead(4);
	    ailerondualrate = map(ailerondualrate, 0, 1023, 1, 100);
	} else {
	    ailerondualrate = 1;

// send data via Radio 
void sendData() {
		if(simulator == false){

void simulatorControl() {
	// TODO Simulator control

Use a structure to hold your binary data and forget about String on small Arduinos.

The NRF is a packet device, you are treating it as if it were a serial device.


This code would* send six packets, without any indication which packet contains what.
The four packets that would only contain a comma are at least strange.

  • if you had the right syntax

I agree with @Whandall - send all the values in a single message - it will be both faster and more reliable.

If you are just sending numbers then putting them in an array would be simple.

Have a look at this Simple nRF24L01+ Tutorial.


Thank you. I'll check that. I'm sure I've gone through that tutorial but didn't apply that concept here. I'll have another go at it when I have time to sit down.

I'm trying to learn her but my memory for code and it's application is hard for me. I keep playing with it because I'm a teacher and would like to teach some code and actually be able to help students with problems. I may never be great at it but some competency with simple things will help.