Nrf24l01 sometimes it works

I'm using two nrf24l01 rf modules to create communication between two arduinos. But I am not able to make the modules communicate, sometimes it starts working, but if I move it they stop.
When communicating, the module that is as tx is no longer reporting successful communication even with the rx receiving the message, which used to happen. (I didn't touch anything, it stopped out of nowhere).
The code I'm using is RF24/examples/GettingStarted.

I just added these lines to try to be more consistent.


I noticed that the data of the two transmitters are different:



Does anyone know how I can guarantee consistency in the communication of these two modules?

Using only soldered connections would be a start.
A solid 3.3V and/or a capacitor for the high power NRF modules would help also.

MAX power needs some distance to work,
but you will probably see that effect more often with a solid power supply.

Jumper cables are for tests only, and regularly unstable.

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I am using the 5v adapter, still need the capacitor?

That should work, sorry it was hard to see.

Try lowering the output power for benchtop tests.

A 5 volt adapter does not help with the NRF device as it uses 3.3 volts. Use a separate power for the NRF devices. two AA batteries in series work great.

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Yes, you can solder a capacitor directly on the nrf24 module

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