Nrf24l01 stops receiving data after few seconds with using motor (dc or servo)

Hi. I'm learning Arduino and want to control the servo motor using a nrf24l01+ module. The radio works fine without a motor, but with works only for several seconds.

What I have:


  • Arduino micro
  • Servo motor 9g
  • nrf24l01+ module with a power adaptor 5V to 3.3V


  • Arduino mega
  • Joystick
  • nrf24l01+ module with a power adaptor 5V to 3.3V

When I use these 2 boards without any kind of a motor, the signal goes fine. I can transmit some hardcoded values as well as values received from a joystick. No problems. So I assume my pins connections are fine. Also, I can rotate servo motor just programmatically without radio, so here pins are fine too.
The problem appears when I start to move the motor. It can rotate for several seconds and then the radio stops receiving the signal. After the board restart problem is the same: the motor works for a couple of seconds and then the radio stops working (radio.available() returns false).


#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>

#include <Servo.h>

#define PIN_SERVO 9

// Radio pins
#define SCK_PIN 15
#define MI_PIN 14
#define MO_PIN 16

#define CE_PIN 3
#define CSN_PIN 4

Servo myservo;

int angle = 5;
int step = 5;
int dt = 500;

// Radio
RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);

struct JPayload {
  int x = 0;
  int y = 0;
JPayload payload;

const byte address[6] = "00001";

void setup() {
  // myservo.write(0);
  while (!Serial)
    /* code */
  if (!radio.begin()) {
    Serial.println(F("radio hardware is not responding!!"));
    while (1) {}  // hold in infinite loop
  radio.openReadingPipe(0, address);
  Serial.println("Setup done");

void loop() {
  uint8_t pipe;
  if (radio.available(&pipe)) {
    Serial.print("Recieved ");
    uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize();  // get the size of the payload, sizeof(JPayload));
    Serial.print(payload.x);  // print the payload's value
    Serial.print(":");  // print the payload's value
    Serial.println(payload.y);  // print the payload's value
    // rotate servo
    int angle = map(payload.x, 0, 1021, 0, 180);
    Serial.print("Rotate to ");
    Serial.println(" angle");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Not available");


#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <printf.h>
#include "joystick.h"

Master/Slave (OLD)	        Controller/Peripheral (NEW)
Master In Slave Out (MISO)	Controller In, Peripheral Out (CIPO)
Master Out Slave In (MOSI)	Controller Out Peripheral In (COPI)
Slave Select pin (SS)	    Chip Select Pin (CS)

#define SCK_PIN 52
#define MO_PIN 51
#define MI_PIN 12

#define CE_PIN 7
#define CSN_PIN 8

#define jX_PIN A6
#define jY_PIN A7

RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);
Joystick joystic(jX_PIN, jY_PIN);

// Let these addresses be used for the pair
const byte address[6] = "00001";
const int dt = 500;

struct JPayload {
  int x = 0;
  int y = 0;

JPayload payload;

void setup() {
  if (!radio.begin()) {
    Serial.println(F("radio hardware is not responding!!"));
    while (1) {}  // hold in infinite loop
  radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MIN);  // RF24_PA_MAX is default.


}  // setup

void loop() {
  int currX = joystic.getX();
  int currY = joystic.getY();

  if (currX >= 495 && currX <= 500){
    currX = -1;

  if (currY >= 516 && currY <= 532){
    currY = -1;

  payload.x = currX;
  payload.y = currY;

  bool report = radio.write(&payload, sizeof(JPayload));  // transmit & save the report

  if (report) {
    Serial.println(" -> OK");
  } else {
     Serial.println(" -> FAILED");


}  // loop

On the receiver side I see that data is coming, the angle is calculated, and the motor is working actually:

Rotate to 0 angle
Recieved 493:-1
Rotate to 86 angle
Recieved -1:-1
Rotate to 0 angle

On a transmitter side:

Transmitting...493:-1 -> OK
Transmitting...-1:-1 -> OK

After I use the joystick to turn the servo for a several seconds I see:
"Not available" AND "Transmitting...494:-1 -> FAILED" accordingly.

What might be the problem? Could somebody help, please?

This sounds like EMI or something connected to the Arduino that should not be. Post an annotated schematic showing exactly how you have wired this. Show ll ground, power and power sources. Note any wires over 25cm/10". Post a link to your motor driver. Note, I do not do well with frizzies.

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